Letter Of Employment Verification

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What should be included in a Letter of Proof Of Employment? Download this sample Verification of Employment template now for your reference.

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werk Verificatie van de arbeidsovereenkomst

What should be included in a Letter of Proof Of Employment?

We support you and your company by providing this Employee Verification Letter HR template, which will help you to make a perfect one! 

Sample Verification of Employment:

Re: Verification of Employment for {{Employee Name}}
To Whom it May Concern, 
Please accept this letter as confirmation that {{Employee Name}} has been employed with {{Company Name}} since {{date}}. Currently, {{Employee Name}}: 
  • Holds the title of {{Employee Title}} 
  • Earns a salary of {{Employee’s Salary}}, payable bi-weekly, with an annual bonus of {{Amount}} 
  • Works on a full-time basis of forty hours per week. 
  • If you have any questions or require additional information, please give me a call at the above number. 
  • Please accept this letter as confirmation that {{Employee Name}} has been employed with {{Company Name}} since. Currently, {{Employee Name}}:
    • Holds the title of {{Employee Title}}
    • Earns a salary of {{Employee’s Salary}}, payable bi-weekly, with an annual bonus of {{Amount}}
    • Works on a full-time basis of forty hours per week.
  • If you have any questions or require additional information, please give me a call at the above number
  • We are pleased to offer you the position of {{Designation}} in our {{Name of Function}} based at {{Location of Posting}}.
  • Your immediate supervisor will be {{Name of Reporting Manager}}. We trust that your knowledge, skills, and experience will be among our most valuable assets.
  • As discussed, and agreed with you, you will be eligible to receive the following beginning on your joining date:
    • Salary: Annual gross starting salary of Rs. {{Amount}}, subject to tax and other statutory deductions
    • Sales Incentive: As per the prevailing company scheme {{Only Applicable for Sales personnel}}
    • Business Travel allowance and reimbursements as per company policy.
    • (1) photocopies of your degree certificates 
    • (2) certifications, if any 
    • (3) experience/ relieving letters 
    • (4) two color passport-size photos 
    • (5) latest salary slip from your previous organization and 
    • (6) proof of address. 
    • {{Company}}
    • {{Signature}}                                                       

This will save you time, cost, and effort and help you to reach the next level of success in your career, and grabs your reader’s attention. This proof of employment letter is drafted by HR professionals, is intelligently structured, and is easy to navigate. Pay close attention to the most downloaded HR templates that fit your needs.     

Download this Employee Verification Letter template now!

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