Letter of Resignation Teacher

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How do I resign from a gracefully teaching job? Download this sample letter of resignation template now!

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How do I resign from a gracefully teaching job? Download this sample letter of resignation template now! 

This easy customizable Personal Teacher Resignation Letter can be used for any kind of personal matter. We support you by providing this Personal Teacher Resignation Letter template, which will save you time and effort and help you to reach a higher level of success in your life!

Please have a look at it and you might even discover this template has a slightly different perspective and can be very helpful. 

Teacher Resignation Letter sample sentences:

  • Dear {{Name}}, 
  • Please accept this letter as my official resignation from my position as {{Job description}} with the {{Name school}} Elementary School. 
  • My final day of employment will be on {{last workday}}.
  • After much contemplation, I have made the decision to focus my attention on my family's needs at home.
  • I will work hard in my final days of employment to complete all the required paperwork and duties assigned to me. 
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and am honored to have had the chance to touch the lives of so many children. 
  • I am writing this letter to let the school know that I have to leave my position. 
  • Sadly, I have been having health-related issues and I feel like it is in my best interest to focus on my health for the moment and to give up my position as a {{subject}} teacher.
  • Teaching at this school has been a joyful, memorable, and rewarding experience. 
  • I gave my students 100% of my knowledge and I watched them as they excelled in education.
  • While teaching I learned a lot about my personality. 
  • Now I realize that the best decision that I have ever made is to become a {{subject}} teacher and I made an even better decision when I was accepted to teach at this school.
  • Sadly, I have to give my resignation letter and I have to add respectfully that I appreciate the chance of teaching at this school. 
  • Hopefully, the new teacher who will take my place will have just as much passion and knowledge for teaching as I did.
  • I am happy to assist in making the transition as seamless as I can. 
  • It has been as much a pleasure to learn from them as it has been to teach them. 
  • Thank you so very much for the opportunity.
  • Please let me know if you need any additional information and do not hesitate to reach out with questions by phone at {{phone number}} or email at {{email}}.
  • Yours sincerely,

Download this sample Teacher Resignation Letter template now for your reference. Good luck with your next chapter!

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