School Leave Letter Hospitalization

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How to write a leave request due to hospitalization from school? We provide a sample Leave Permission letter template that fits your needs!

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How to write a leave request due to hospitalization from school? We provide a sample Leave Permission letter template that fits your needs!

Make use of our leave request approval letter template to help to make your own personalized version. The objective of writing this letter is to get permission for a leave due to the hospitalization of your son or daughter. 

Due to the difficult circumstances, we advise you to use this formal approval letter to inform the principal or teacher of the school your child is attending. Please note this letter is provided for guidance only. 

Download this Leave Approval Letter template to write a decent letter by yourself. This one is easy to edit and can fit your personal situation. If this letter does not fit your requirements, please also have a look at the topic: Leave Letter Templates.

If you are an employee that is looking for a leave letter from office, check out this decent sick leave letter template.


Dear [Mr./Ms. Last Name], / Respected sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that my [son/daughter] [name child] is a student of class [mention class], of your school. Due to some emergency, my [son/daughter] is hospitalized and is recommended to be in doctor’s supervision for three days. All my family members are right now taking care of [him/her] in the hospital and we are not able to send [him/her] to school.

Therefore, I request you to please consider our situation and grant [him/her] leave for [1/2/3/4/5/…]  days from [date] to [date]. I am enclosing a letter from the doctor for your reference. I assure you that [he/she] will attend classes regularly from this date forward.

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