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.docxHow to write the perfect press release? Download this free official press release example!
This Press Release template is specifically written to announce the launch of a new games pack.
What is a official press release definition: a statement prepared and distributed to the press by a public relations firm, governmental agency, etc.
The press release templates on our website are valuable template if your company wants to make a public announcement. Great tips on writing press releases:
Please browse our website if you are looking for a certain type of press releases. Our free press release templates are used by PR professionals. Download this Press release template if you want to announce a new game and save yourself the time, costs or effort! After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can submit your press release via press release distribution companies, press release distribution sites or local press. Examples include Business Newswire, Dowjones Newswire, Marketwire or PRNewswire.
This template is often found by the following keywords:
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