Formele aanbeveling modelbrief

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How to write a compelling and formal Formal Recommendation Letter Format? We provide a perfectly written Formal Recommendation Letter Format that fits your needs!

Sooner or later you will receive this question. A new message arrives in your email inbox and you see it's from one of your former employees. From the subject, your eye caught that one word: 'Recommendation'... Immediately, your stomach drops... You know exactly what's next, the former employee asks you to write a letter of recommendation for him or her. More work... and where to get the time...? 

If this happens, the way you deal with it is very important and should get your utmost attention. There are some suggestions to follow when writing a formal letter like a formal Recommendation Letter, such as:

A letter of recommendation is also known as a letter and is often a recommendation from a previous or current manager, boss, supervisor, professor, coworker, peer, or personal relation of the requester of the letter, and it gives insights regarding the persons’ knowledge, skills, experience, awards, or aptitudes that he or she possess. 

It’s common to use a reference letter during the search for a new job, project, or when you are applying for a program at a graduate school. Especially for students, reference letters may be required when applying for awards, funds, or grants such as a scholarship or fellowship. When presented selectively in a portfolio, reference letters provide compelling evidence to an employer or committee about your abilities. This blank reference letter is intuitive, ready-to-use when you want to recommend a person for a job position in another company or organization. 

These Recommendation letters can be a challenge to draft, and if you are not careful, you might end up spending hours drafting one, because you want to craft something that is polite, well-written and personalized, and truly does justice to the efforts and performance of that former employee.

What makes a good recommendation letter?

The Writing Recommendation Letter Basics
There are a few basic requirements for a Recommendation Letter. Every letter should respect the following principles:

  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Structured and written to highlight strengths of the person you recommend;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Immediately clear about your name and the position you are seeking;
  • Enthusiastic! Show off the character and personality of the person;
  • Provide descriptions of your contributions to the work/academic environment related to completed tasks on time or your strengths;
  • Always use action verbs to describe your accomplishments, skills, and strengths;
  • Make sure to use the active voice which indicates that you completed tasks and demonstrated desirable behaviors. Since the passive voice can indicate that events happened with or without your active involvement;
  • Explain how you performed the responsibilities required, and therefore it’s good to study some appealing anecdotes;
  • If possible, a statement indicating people would re-hire you or collaborate with you on another project;
  • Structured and written to highlight the person's strengths;
  • Immediately clear about the purpose and position the person is seeking;
  • Brief, preferably one or pages in length;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Using common business letter format;
  • No copying of exact words/phrases from sample letters without checking the context;
  • Uses the correct name of the University or organization;
  • Contact information including his or her full name, appropriate title, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address;
  • Expands upon their resume; do not repeat it verbatim in your reference letter as well.

But, stress no more! Those requests for recommendation letters no longer need to make you feel stressed. Here are some basic Letter of Recommendation templates you can use to create the perfect personalized one for him or her. 

Download this Formal Recommendation Letter Format template now!

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