Request for salary increase

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Are you looking for an asking for a raise letter? Check out the following suggestions on how to effectively ask for a salary increment.

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Are you looking for an asking for a raise letter? Check out the following suggestions on how to effectively ask for a salary increment.

At some point in life, you may want or feel forced to ask for a salary increase, especially when you feel like you deserve one. This happens when you feel confident that you can provide your employer with a strong case for the raise you want to ask for, you can express yourself in writing through a salary increase letter. 

There are times when you need extra money, especially when you are achieving a new milestone in your life. Starting a family for example or organizing a hastily planned wedding. Your salary will definitely not be able to pay for all the arrangements, so you will need to look elsewhere. 

One way to get extra money is to ask your employer. This letter will formalize your request and increase the chances of getting what you want and it explains why you need the money and that you intend to pay it all back. It also requests your employer to be discreet. You should always be polite when writing such a letter. Even when you're on great terms with your boss.

Example of an opening line for asking for a raise: During the past year, I took on extra work and more responsibilities because I know that my performance is closely tied to the team’s performance. Here are some highlights of how I have improved the company in the past year.

By using this sample request letter template is going to allow you to save considerable time and effort. You will be able to concentrate on the meeting that is yet to come, where you will discuss this issue, instead of wasting time on a difficult letter.  

Check out this letter of request for salary increase free sample if you are plan asking for a raise. Send your letter or email as soon as possible. 

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