Verpleging Beurs Bedankbrief

nurse scholarship thank you letter voorbeeld afbeelding
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How to draft a proper Nurse Scholarship Thank You Letter letter?

Great talent or deserves to be awarded a sponsorship! If you want to send a proper Thank You Note to the donor, we recommend you to check out this Scholarship Thank You Letter Sample. Once you are selected by a University or Institution for a scholarship, this means the recipient will be eligible for receiving a monetary gift from an individual, corporation, or family. It’s common practice that you respond swiftly with a thank you letter. 

In such a letter, you will thank the donor(s) that are investing in your education. Finding the words to express your gratitude to a donor can sometimes be challenging or intimidating, but it is important to let the donor know that his or her scholarship is greatly appreciated. You must write one letter for each scholarship you receive. 

  • Funds may with withheld or canceled if you do not submit your thank you letter(s) in a timely manner.
  • Make sure the letter is free of both grammatical and spelling errors. Double-check for typos.
  • Write clearly and concisely. 
  • Be sincere and express enthusiasm.
  • Send it in typewritten in a business format including all of the elements of a letter: your name,  date, salutation, body, closing, and a handwritten signature or digital image of it. 
  • One page is appropriate.
  • Tell the donor a bit about yourself. Things you may include are your hometown, high school, family background, why you chose to attend College.
  • Talk about your experiences at College. What year are you in? What is your major? When are you expecting to graduate? What are your career goals?
  • Express your gratitude for the scholarship and how it is going to help you. Do not tell the donor how you are going to use the money unless you know what the scholarship covers. (Example: You have a tuition-only scholarship, and you tell them you are going to use the money to buy books).
  • Send the letter typewritten in business format. 
  • Use quality paper.

Check out this sample letter before sending an individual Thank You note. This is a sample letter you can use and download directly for free:

Thank you for the generous College Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. I am very pleased and appreciative to learn that I was selected as the recipient of this scholarship award. Let me tell you about myself, I am currently majoring in Biology with an emphasis in physiology and anatomy. I plan to pursue a career in Nursing with the long-term goal of becoming a Nurse Practioner assisting people in underrepresented areas. Currently, I am enrolled in 12 units and plan to graduate from College spring 2022 and transfer to a four-year institution to complete my BSN. Thanks to your generous scholarship, I am now one step closer to achieving my goal. By awarding me the College Scholarship, you have reduced my financial burden, which allows me to focus on my schoolwork and not worry so much about how I am going to pay for school. I hope one day that I will also be able to help struggling students reach their goals in higher education by assisting them in the same way you are helping me. Thank you very much for your generosity.

After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. style, typography, details, and appearance of your Thank you note. Download this professional Nurse Scholarship Thank You Letter template now and Thank somebody today! 

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