Formele zakelijke klacht Brief formaat

formal business complaint letter format voorbeeld afbeelding
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How to write an anonymous letter of complaint? Do you have an urgent concern or complaint and you wish to inform the director of a company about the issue? Download this formal complaint letter now!

In this case, we know you don't want to spend more time on the issue, but its good you act and complaint about the situation. A complaint hopefully increases the quality and service level of the organization that caused the issue. When you want to start writing a grievance letter, consider the following: 

Put your complaint in writing to a responsible person within the company that has the power to change the procedures, business, companies output;

  • Clearly write ‘Formal complaint’ at the top of your letter and keep a copy;  
  • Save all written communication;
  • Keep copies of everything, make a paper trail and always include any replies you get when you respond;
  • include enough information to make clear the issue;
  • being grieved but you should not try to make your arguments for your position on the issue in the letter;
  • keep it short and factual, mention dates and times if necessary;
  • If they communicate verbally—create a written record by writing them an email with a record of what was said in the conversation: “just to confirm our conversation today concerning grievance.
  • Make sure the grievant is updated with relevant information or developments;
  • Keep track of timelines.

Formal Business Complaint Letter:

{{Name of contact person (if available)}}
{{Company name}} - Consumer Complaint Division
{{Street address}}
{{City, state, zip code}}
Subject: Complaint regarding topic

Dear {{Contact Person}},
On {{date of the contract}}, I purchased {{rented or leased}} a {{product or service}} from you: model {{model number}}, at a price of {{give as much detail as possible – include model or other identifying numbers that might apply}}.

The purchase agreement was made at your store located at {{give details about the location of the store, the person you dealt with, and any particular or relevant representations made to you about the product, goods, or services}}.
{{Describe the problem here}}
{{State exactly what you want from the business}}
I look forward to your immediate reply. You can contact me at my home telephone number at {{Contact information}}. 
Conclusion: indicate that you are expecting an early response/resolution to/of your complaint and your emergency and/or other contact information.}}
Unfortunately, the problem remains unresolved.  I am hereby requesting that you: List specific actions you want {{such as: refund, exchange or repair the item}}.
Thank you for your anticipated assistance in resolving my problem.  Please contact me at {{telephone number and/or e-mail address}} if you have any questions. Sign the letter and send it by registered mail, fax or courier.
Yours truly,
{{Your signature}}
Enclosure(s): {{List attached document copies}}

This Complaint letter comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. You can add text, remove content that isn’t applicable, change the look and formatting; in fact anything you are able to do with one of your own documents, you can do with this one as well. This letter template is deliberately designed to be flexible so that it can be adjusted to your needs and preferences.

Therefore, we do not recommend to spend lots of precious time searching for a suitable complaint letter. Just download this example Complaint Letter Format directly that has been put together for you!

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