Beoordeling Brief Voorbeeld

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How to develop an appraisal letter? What is the purpose of an appraisal letter? The simplest method to kick-start writing your letter is by getting this appraisal letter template right away!

Every day brings new projects, emails, documents, and task lists, and often it is not that different from the work you have done before. Many of our day-to-day tasks are similar to something we have done before. Don't reinvent the wheel every time you start to work on something new!

An official document that an employer gives to an employee after a performance review is known as an appraisal letter. The letter recognizes the employee’s contributions, summarizes their performance, and usually contains information about salary changes, bonuses, and even promotions. 

Here's a guide on how to draft an effective appraisal letter:
  1. In the upper part of the letter, write the name of the company with its logo. Also, indicate the date when the letter is issued. And then include the full name and address of the employee.
  2. In this part, there should be a respectful salutation to the employee like Dear [Employee's First Name],
  3. Here you state briefly your objective in writing this letter which is to inform an employee about their performance appraisal results.
  4. Provide an overview of what the employee has done throughout the appraisal period including major achievements, strengths, and weaknesses.
  5. Be specific on the feedback about the employee’s work, both positive and constructive.
  6. In case of any salary adjustments or promotions made as a result of performance appraisals indicate such changes here.
  7. State what you expect from him/her during the next period and list some goals.
  8. Finish the letter on a positive note thanking them for their efforts.
  9. Use formal closing like ‘Sincerely’ followed by the issuer’s name and title.

Eliminate long waits or tedious procedures by clicking 'Open with Google Docs' or downloading the sample appraisal letter template as a Word file right away! The secret to an excellent and efficient appraisal letter lies at your fingertips here, waiting for you.

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