Employment Termination Letter template

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How to write a Termination Letter of employment? We provide a suitable Termination Letter template that fits your needs! Download this Termination Letter

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How to write a Termination Letter for a job position? We provide a suitable Termination Letter template that fits your needs!

We regret to inform you that your employment with the organization is terminated effective immediately. Your termination is the result of repeated issues in the following area, which can be performance-related issues or behavioral-related issues. The objective of writing this letter is to announce the termination of the employee.

Employment Termination Letter sample sentences:

  • Dear {{Name}}, 
  • This letter is to inform you that your employment with {{company name}} will end as of {{date termination is effective}}.
  • This is in line with our termination policy which gives each party the right to terminate employment without cause. 
  • This letter is to inform you that your employment with {{company name}} will end as of {{date termination is effective}}.
  • This is in line with our termination policy which gives each party the right to terminate employment without cause. 
  • The policy requires the party terminating employment to give 4 weeks’ notice or payment in lieu of notice. 
  • This decision is not reversible.
  • In this regard, you will receive 4 weeks' payment in lieu of notice and an additional 5 weeks’ severance pay. You will be given the final paycheck on your last working day.
  • Your insurance coverage will remain in place for the four weeks after employment termination.
  • We regret to inform you that your employment with [name of organization] is terminated effective immediately. 
  • Your termination is the result of repeated issues in the following area[s]:
    • Briefly describe the performance-related issue
    • Briefly describe the behavioral-related issue
  • You were issued verbal and written warnings of the above issue[s] on [list date[s] of each verbal and written warning].
  • Detailed copies of these warnings, signed by you, will remain in your permanent personnel file. 
  • Your signature on each warning signifies your awareness of our concerns over the above issues. 
  • In addition, you were given specific instructions on what needed to take place, and by when, in order to remedy this issue[s].
  • As was clearly stated in your final warning, you were to [list specific expectations] in order to correct your [performance/behavior] by [date/or state immediately].
  • Unfortunately, your continued failure to meet these expectations has now resulted in your termination of employment with [name of organization].
  • As we now part ways, we wish you only the best in all your future endeavors.
  • The policy requires the party terminating employment to give 4 weeks’ notice or payment in lieu of notice. 
  • This decision is not reversible.
  • In this regard, you will receive 4 weeks' payment in lieu of notice and an additional 5 weeks’ severance pay.
  • You will be given the final paycheck on your last working day.
  • Your insurance coverage will remain in place for the four weeks after employment termination.
  • You are requested to return {{list all company property to be returned}}.
  • We appreciate the many years of great service you have provided this company.
  • We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
  • You are requested to return {{list all company property to be returned}}.
  • We appreciate the many years of great service you have provided this company.
  • We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
  • Yours sincerely,

Close the letter without indentation, leaving three or four lines for your signature between the closing and your typed name and title. Please note this template is provided for guidance only. 

Download this Termination Letter template to write a perfect (and personalized) letter, edited to fit your personal situation.

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