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How to write a thoughtful and heartfelt resignation letter? Download this Heartfelt Resignation Letter now!

A Resignation Letter with 4 weeks' notice is a formal written document that an employee provides to their employer to announce their intention to resign from their job position. In this type of resignation letter, the employee typically informs the employer that they will continue working for the company for an additional four weeks before their departure. This extended notice period is longer than the typical two-week notice, giving the employer more time to find a replacement or make necessary adjustments to accommodate the employee's departure.

Whatever the circumstances of your departure, this Heartfelt Resignation Letter can help you draft a polite and appropriate resignation letter. In general, a resignation letter should be a short letter, formally exhorting your boss that you are leaving your job and the company. Such an abdication letter can help you keep up a positive association with your company and boss by leaving with a solid and positive last impression, while likewise preparing for you to proceed onward. 

Here are the key components typically included in writing a Resignation Letter with 4 weeks' notice:

  1. Date: The date on which the letter is written.
  2. Employee's Information: The employee's full name, job title, department, and employee identification number (if applicable).
  3. Recipient: The name of the employer or the immediate supervisor to whom the letter is addressed.
  4. Opening Statement: A clear and concise statement indicating the intention to resign from the current job position.
  5. Notice Period: Explicitly state that the employee is providing a four-week notice period, during which they are willing to continue working for the company.
  6. Effective Date of Resignation: Specify the exact date when the resignation will take effect. This should be four weeks from the date of the letter.
  7. Reason for Resignation (Optional): While it's not always necessary to provide a reason for resigning, some employees choose to include a brief and professional explanation for leaving.
  8. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained while working for the company. This helps maintain a positive and professional tone.
  9. Transition Plan (Optional): Offer to assist with the transition process during the notice period. This may include training a replacement, completing ongoing projects, or providing guidance to colleagues.
  10. Contact Information: Provide current contact information where the employer can reach the employee during and after the notice period.
  11. Closing: Use a polite and professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards."
  12. Signature: Hand-sign the letter above your typed name. If sending the letter electronically, you can use a scanned or electronic signature.
Resignation letters with an extended notice period, like a 4-week notice, are often appreciated by employers because they allow for a smoother transition and adequate time to find a replacement. However, it's essential to honor the commitment to work diligently during the notice period and fulfill any responsibilities and tasks that may be required for a seamless transition.

Heartfelt Resignation Letter template

It is with deep regret that I give you my formal notice of resignation as [your title] at [company name]. My last working day will be [date]. I have accepted a position with another company that will further my growth and development in my career. I have enjoyed working at (company name) and will miss my colleagues here, however, this new position will challenge my growth and further my career. I appreciate the professional development and growth from [company name], and in particular from you. Your mentoring support has encouraged me and I hope that we will continue our relationship as I move forward in my career. I wish you and [company name] continued growth and success in the future.

Please consider it might cause some stress for the employer who needs to find a replacement. Therefore it's important to give the notice in time (especially check with your contract), with for example two or four weeks, which is often an accepted minimum period of time.

We hope you made the best decision and this resignation letter can be of good use to you, in order to write a polite and compelling resignation letter.

Download this heartfelt resignation letter template here. Good luck with your next chapter in your career!

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