One of the most important skills you will learn during when you are studying in college and university, is managing your time in an efficient and effective way. Many students fail due to poor time management skills. Therefore, it’s important to master this skill, not only when you are in college, but it will always become in handy. Mastering time management is one of the skills all successful people share amongst each other.
This College Time Management Sheet has already a standard 8-hour per day format, that you can easily personalize according to your own situation.
Given students often have less than 8 hours per day classes, there is still plenty of time available to do extracurricular work, take a part-time job or for serious studying your textbooks, taking notes, revising notes, building and practicing solutions to problems, and reciting and self-testing on existing notes, etc. On average, a student who spends up to6 hours per day studying, will usually do quite well in college and still has time to do other things in the weekend.
So, another reason why you should start managing your time wisely in college or university, that way it leaves every evening and weekend free from studying and doing things you like to do!
After finishing your own personal college time schedule, make extra time to do the following steps:
- Cross off all your class times
- Cross off all your daily meal times
- Cross off work or activity times
- Cross off study times
Then, make sure the total is at least 8 hrs/day and 40 hrs/ week you spend on your education. Most schools have a 8-hour school day. The provided class schedule can be easily put into your own personal planning. The same goes for 8-hour workdays, people in that situation can also benefit from this time management schedule.
Customizing your own school schedule is easy. It can be further edited via your own computer after you download it. In our collection, you'll find a variety of schedules, planners, and calendar templates that are ready for a free download and after some customization, ready to use in your home, office, or school.