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How to write an effective letter for your Request for Quotation (RFQ)? Download this example of a RFQ cover letter that was made for a company.

We provide a Request For Quotation letter template that can be used to purchase goods when you first need to receive some quotations before you make the decision. Just add the Template to the cart, and after we received your payment, the RFQ Template will be delivered within a minute. RFQ is sometimes called RFP (Request For Proposal templates or RFP template).

This ready-made RFQ letter template is well suited for any kind of personalized business matter. Communicating professionally will get you and your company respect and will bring you further in life and business. Using our ready to use and easy to modify Request For Quote Letter brings you motivation and inspiration, and gives you more time to focus on important subjects in your personalized file.

Request For Quote Letter:

Dear {{Sir/Madam}},
We are pleased to inform you that the presentation offered by your representative in our board meeting on the {{date}} has impressed us. We would like to order bulk of the {{products}} manufactured by you.
I request you to send a quote price for around {{number of items}} {{products}} of the same variety that was demonstrated on that day. It would help us decide faster if you can send the quotation latest by the 5th of October. If it is found satisfactory, we are ready to order more of the same variety. You can call me on {{phone number}} to speak to me on further issues regarding the matter. We look forward to a great business experience with you.
Yours sincerely,

We support you by providing this Request For Quote Letter template, which will save you time, cost and effort and help you to reach the next level of success in your career and business! This RFQ template has ways to grab your readers attention. They are intuitive, ready-to-use and logically structured. Pay close attention to the most downloaded business, legal or life templates that will fit your needs. 

Download this Request For Quotation (RFQ) template and after downloading you can craft every detail of this Request for Quotation template very quickly.

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