GDPR Comparison with NISD

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Are you looking for this GDPR Comparison with NISD? We provide a comparison between the GDPR and NISD in order to help you seeing light at the end of the Eurotunnel

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Are you looking for this GDPR Comparison with NISD?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years. This policy directive was adopted in May 2016 because most Europeans say they want the same data protection rights across the EU and regardless of where their data is processed. It aims to make Europe fit for the digital age. The UK developed its Network Information Systems Directive 2016 (NISD or Cybersecurity Directive), which was implemented into UK law on 9 May 2018 by the Network Information Systems Regulations 2018. 

The GDPR comes with a set of Rules and Regulations for the protection of personal data inside and outside the European Union (EU) and affects all companies that save personal data from European citizens. Considering BREXIT, UK will have to arrange their own Data privacy law, and they implemented it 6 days before the GDPR became applicable within the EU.

We provide a comparison between the GDPR and NISD in order to help you seeing light at the end of the (Euro)tunnel. Download it now. Besides this document, check out 2 interesting suggestions, besides this GDPR Comparison with NISD now.

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