Militaire persoonlijke CV

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  • Taal: English
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Resumé Werving Leiderschap Technologie Vaardigheden civiel Militaire wetenschap Leger Personeel Marine van de Verenigde Staten taken

Knoxville, TN 37916 865-555-1111 SJones Objective: A full-time marketing position utilizing leadership and communication skills in a highpaced environment Education: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Bachelor of Arts in Political Science GPA: 3.23/4.00 Navy Enlisted Recruiter School  In-depth, three-week sales training course Honors: May 2013 Jan. 2006 National Defense Service Medal Experience: United States Navy 2006-2011 Administrative Clerk (2009-2011)  Reported to the Executive Officer of the Joint Intelligence Directorate at the United Joint Forces Command  Directed administrative tasks for a 131-member multi-service directorate Command Mail Orderly (2009-2011)  Oversaw daily outgoing mail sorted and distributed incoming mail to appropriate staff members  Maintained daily schedule for Commanding Officer (CO)  Responded to all visitor requests  Provided full support in telephone coverage, screening all incoming calls Directorate Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) (2009-2011)  Served as the main point of contact for all computer accounts, assisting with all technical issues Leading Petty Officer (2008)  Managed five junior personnel in the Mission Support Office  Authored daily outgoing correspondence Supply Clerk (2007)  Provided assistance with and processed travel claims  Scheduled travel arrangements for CO  Handled sensitive materials daily using discretion  Generated numerous documents in a timely manner, including correspondence, evaluations/fitness reports, awards, messages, directives, and reports  Procured all office supplies updated and maintained supply log book Naval Reserve Canvass Recruiter (2006)  Identified target populations for enlistment into the US Naval Reserve  Conducted interviews, enlisted recruits and counseled those rejected for service  Tracked results of recruiting efforts, formulating plans to improve applicant members and qualifications Source:

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