Reconsideration Letter sample

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How to write a proper reconsideration request letter to a sponsor? This Reconsideration to decline sponsorship will capture your receiver's attention for sure!

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How to write a proper reconsideration request letter to a sponsor for supporting your organization? Download this Reconsideration Letter template now!

Generous gifts, great service or esteemed quality delivered deserve to be rewarded! If you want to send a proper Thank You Note to someone that qualifies for that, for example a rising talent or company that did something exceptional and that deserves, we recommend you to check out this Thank You Letter To Sponsor

Thank you letter to sponsor with request to reconsider sponsorship next year.

Dear Sir/Madam {{Name}}, Dear Sponsor,
Thank you very much for agreeing to continue to sponsor your student for the next stage of his/her academic career. Forgive this lengthy epistle, but based on issues we have had with a few sponsors who have decided half way through a sponsorship that they are no longer interested in their student because he or she is not, in their opinion, doing well enough, we realize that we have done a poor job of communicating with our sponsors and need to make sure before we continue that you trust us to make the right choices for your child.
While we understand that circumstances can arise that make it hard or impossible for sponsors to continue to support a student, we do not believe that a decision based on a poor understanding of the culture and schools in {{Country}} should be one of them.
As you can imagine it leaves the project in a very difficult place. So long as the child has fulfilled the obligations attached to the scholarship, laid out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which children, parents, and {{Project}} all sign, we are obligated to support them. So, we end up scrambling to pay their fees and given our very tight budget this can be a huge problem.
However, our goal is to educate our children so we try the best we can to help them finish. We send our students to the best schools possible, but this means that, coming from poor rural primary schools, they are at a disadvantage compared with classmates who attended private institutions. The result is that their position in class may not be very high. Also {{Country}} schools, believing that being too complimentary leads to slacking off, mark very hard. It is often a wonderful surprise when we get their final results! ...What we need is from you is for you to trust us to make the right decisions for {{Target group}}. 
While circumstances can look grim from the {{Situation/Country}} end, our {{Country}} colleagues know what they are doing and we strongly believe that helping a struggling student succeed is not as has been claimed “throwing good money after bad”! 
Not all our students make it to University but of the 12 students who have graduated from our program 10 have jobs – no mean feat for {{Country}} where the unemployment levels are extremely high So what this letter is saying is in that order to budget for your student we must trust you to trust us. And that means we need to know that, without unforeseen disaster intervening, you will support your student for the whole of the next stage of his/her education at whatever the level you have chosen. If you feel uncomfortable with making this commitment we understand but must very regretfully decline your sponsorship.
If you wish to support the project in some other way we would love you to contribute towards other programs or even make a general donation to the scholarship fund but we need to know, before sending a student off on the next stage of his/her education, that we have the funds to pay for it. Thank you for your support and understanding. Director {{Project}}, Thank you very much for your support. Very much appreciated.

For those who are in the position to depend on donors, it's important to work with sufficient donor organization so you are able to run the program and NGO with good results. Sending a collective or individual Thank You note to your donors or potential donors, from time to time, can work very motivating for the receivers! The right stimulation will help you to achieve mutual goals faster and will benefit your results! 

After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. style, typography, details, and appearance of your Thank you note. Download this Thank You Letter To Sponsor template now and Thank your donors today. This Reconsideration to decline sponsorship will capture your receiver's attention for sure!

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