
children's calendar voorbeeld afbeelding
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Opslaan, invullen, afdrukken, klaar!
De beste manier om een Kinderkalender te maken? Check direct dit professionele Kinderkalender template!

Beschikbare bestandsformaten:


  • Gevalideerd door een professional
  • 100% aanpasbaar
  • Taal: English
  • Digitale download (131.3 kB)
  • Na betaling ontvangt u direct de download link
  • We raden aan dit bestand op uw computer te downloaden.

ABT beoordeling: 7

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Zakelijk Opleiding blanco kalender afdrukbare kalender Koor zondag Aanbidden Word agenda Feestdagkalender kalenders Beste agenda Klok Wauw

Do you need a Children's Calendar? Have a look at this example Calendar!

Customizing your own calendar template is easy. It can be further edited via your own computer after you downloaded it. In our collection, you'll find a variety of monthly or yearly calendar templates that are ready for a free download and after some customization, ready to use in your home, office or school. 

Choose from professionally designed templates for Microsoft Excel and Word, PDF, and Google Docs. Options include printable calendars with landscape or portrait.

If this Calendar is not the right one for you, you can find other designs by browsing through our collection of free printable calendars and calendar templates or continue browsing below to find other schedules, planners, etc... 

Each printable calendar is a professional-looking template in MS Word, Excel, PDF format.

Download your free printable Children's Calendar template now!

February 2017 Sun 5 8:30 10:45 Worship Communion 9:30 Sunday School Children’s bell choir 9:30 Confirmation 5- Youth Group Super Bowl Party PANTRY SUNDAY 12 8:30 Worship Communion 10:45 Worship 9:30 Sunday School Children’s bell choir 9:30 Confirmation LUNCH ANNUAL MEETING AFTER LUNCH Mon Tue Wed 4 9 10 11 8 AM- Men of Hope 16 17 18 24 25 8 AM – Men of Hope 8 4 Preschool Board 9:30 Bible Study 2 PM – Care Committee 5:15 WOW Prayer 5:30 WOW Dinner 6 Spirit of Praise Choir 6:30 Bell Choir 6:30 Stewardship 7:30 Senior Choir 14 15 Happy 4:45 WOW Valentine Day 8:50, 9:20, 1 – Committee Preschool Chapel 9:30 Bible 1:30 WELCA Board 7:30 Dartball Study 5:15 WOW Prayer away at Peace 5:30 WOW Dinner Lutheran, Galion 7 Property 6 Spirit of Praise Choir Care 6:30 Bell Choir 7:30 Senior Choir 19 20 21 22 8:30 Worship 9:30 Bible Communion..

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