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Onder het motto van: ‘Beter goed geleend, dan slecht bedacht’, bekijk hier de handige en kwalitatieve document templates die u een voorsprong geven en het vele malen efficiënter maken dan het alternatief waarbij u helemaal vanaf nul start. Middels onderstaande files heeft u direct toegang tot handige kant-en-klare brieven, formulieren, plannen, cv's, contracten, presentaties, infographics, etc. die kunnen worden bewerkt in verschillende soorten software, zoals: Google Apps (Google Docs , Google Presentaties, Google Spreadsheets) en Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) of PDF-readers.
How to write an Employee Formal Complaint Letter? How should an employee file a formal complaint about delayed salary? Download our letter template now which provides guidance on how to properly document and file a complaint about delayed salary.
Meer infoHow to write a compelling Business Complaint Letter? An easy way to start your complaint is to download this example Business Complaint Letter Format now!
Meer infoHow to create a Complaint Letter to Hotel for Accommodation ? An easy way to start completing your complaint, is by checking this grievance letter to Hotel for poor customer service or issues with the accommodation.
Meer infoDo you have an urgent concern about the amounts to be paid to the electricity company and you want to write a complaint letter? Download and use this template to submit a complaint to an electric utility company about issues.
Meer infoHow to write a complaint letter in which you request for a refund? Download this complaint letter that was sent to a shop that didn't deliver the promised goods and services.
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