Hieronder staat een selectie van document templates gerelateerd aan de volgende zoekopdracht: brief.
Onder het motto van: ‘Beter goed geleend, dan slecht bedacht’, bekijk hier de handige en kwalitatieve document templates die u een voorsprong geven en het vele malen efficiënter maken dan het alternatief waarbij u helemaal vanaf nul start. Middels onderstaande files heeft u direct toegang tot handige kant-en-klare brieven, formulieren, plannen, cv's, contracten, presentaties, infographics, etc. die kunnen worden bewerkt in verschillende soorten software, zoals: Google Apps (Google Docs , Google Presentaties, Google Spreadsheets) en Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) of PDF-readers.
Do you need a Thank you for your kind comments? When someone makes a kind comment, how do you thank them? Download this Letter of thanks to a customer on their comments on a product now!
Meer infoHow to write a Thank you for broadcast of unsolicited endorsement? Download this Letter thanking a person for airing unsolicited endorsement in a tv program now!
Meer infoDo you need a ready-made Thank you letter after your tour? We can provide you with a professionally written thank you letter that will express your gratitude to the tour organizer and group members.
Meer infoHow to write a Thank you for substitute check after denial of discount? Download this Letter thanking customer for sending substitute check after being denied a discount now!
Meer infoHow to write a Thank you for submission and request revision? Download this Sample thank you letter to a speech writer with request for revision now!
Meer infoHow to write a Thank you for product, unaccapted summary attached? Download this Letter thanking a vendor for sending product. Not accepted with attached summary evaluation now!
Meer infoHow to draft a proper response letter and thanking someone for making a impressive product review? Download this product review response letter now!
Meer infoDo you need a Thank you for evaluating the product? What do you say to your valued clients to thank them for their business? Download this Letter thanking a person for a product evaluation about it now!
Meer infoDo you need a Thank you for payment after the telephone call? How do you say thank you after a phone call? Download this Letter thanking person of a payment and subsequent telephone call now!
Meer infoDo you need a polite rejection letter, that after evaluating the product, seemed to be unacceptable? Downloading our template provides a polite way to reject someone's request or application.
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