Sample Sponsorship Contract

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46-Sample_Sponsorship_Contract.doc. Easy to download and use .doc Politics template.

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Legal Légal agreement accord politics politique sponsor parrainer sponsorship parrainage government gouvernement law loi club Social Institutions Institutions sociales Justice Name prénom Sponsor (Commercial) Commanditaire (commercial)

Credits and benefits to Sponsor From start date to end date , the Club agrees: (1) to credit the Sponsor by giving the Sponsor s name and details of value of the sponsorship in all Club press releases concerning the club name .. It is agreed that in the event of the matches being publicised or covered by any medium such as radio or television, the Club s best endeavours will be directed towards ensuring that the Sponsor is credited as the sponsor of the club but it is accepted by the Sponsor that a separate agreement may have to be negotiated with all the parties concerned..

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