ChatGPT AI Prompts

chatgpt ai prompts modèles
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How do I prompt in Chat GPT? If you want to use ChatGPT in education or to use ChatGPT to make money, download these common terms and questions for ChatGPT prompts template here

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How do I prompt in Chat GPT? If you want to use ChatGPT in education or to use ChatGPT to make money, this common terms and questions AI prompt is very useful.

Using the right prompts in an AI generator can greatly enhance its usefulness and effectiveness in providing accurate and relevant responses. After making an account at ChatGPT you need to login to generate AI text via text prompts.
In this overview, you can learn ChatGPT AI Prompts for the following situation:

  • Specific Questions (Thesis writing)
  • Storytelling (Youtube video scripts)
  • Step-by-Step Queries (How to make a product)
  • Clarification
  • Comparisons
  • Explanations
  • Pros and Cons
  • Website
  • Opinions and Recommendations
  • Analogies
  • Problem-Solving
  • Personalization
  • Adjectives
  • Follow up response
  • Rephrasing

Please ensure you wait for the prompt box to fully loaded. Once you've entered your prompt, ChatGPT will provide you with his first response. If you want to add an enter, you can press “shift + enter”.

Remember, ChatGPT works best with clear and concise prompts. Providing context and being specific will help generate more accurate and relevant responses. Feel free to iterate and experiment with different prompts to find the style that best suits your needs.

Download these common terms and questions for ChatGPT prompts template here.

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