University Student Job Application Letter

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How to write an university Student Job Application Letter? Download this University Student Job Application Letter template now!

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How to write a job application that gets results and get's attention when you are applying for a student job? Download this University Student Job Application Letter now!

When writing a job application letter to a university, make sure to explain the reason(s) why you are the perfect candidate for a university's program/scholarship for which you are applying. In order to get noticed for a degree at a popular university, it's important to emphasize knowledge, expertise, and vision, and discuss important academic skills, such as research ability, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, leadership skills, ability to communicate, hard work ethic and creativity.

Job Application/Cover Letter 

Address receiver
Address sender (or below signature)
Subject: application for position ...


Your introduction should discuss the following: 
  • Where you saw or heard about the position?
  • A brief background on the organization and its goals
  • How your experience matches the position?
  • How you will help the organization achieve its goals?
  • Your objective: an interview.

Sample content for introduction of your letter:

  • Dear Mr., Mrs. Name,
  • While attending the {{job fair}} at the {{University}} on {{Date}}, I met with {{Name professor}} from your {{department}} division. 
  • {{Name professor}} mentioned that {{Organization/Department}} has an entry-level {{Position name}} position open, and I would like to meet with you to discuss this opportunity further. 
  • For the past several years, I have followed the growth of {{Organization/Department}} from a small privately owned company to a multinational corporation. 
  • Based on your aggressive growth in international markets, I believe my skills in analysis can help your company succeed in these areas. 
  • Moreover, since you are planning to expand your operations in Asia, my fluency in {{Languages}} will help you in this potentially lucrative market.
  • After reading the {{Job title}} listing available with {{Organization}} on the {{Website}}, I have become quite interested in this position. As a senior at the {{University}}, I will complete my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development in {{Date}}. 
  • The prospect of joining your staff in this role would be a welcome and exciting challenge.

Body Paragraphs

  • Detail on company goals/mission.
  • Detail supporting your claim that you can help them achieve goals/mission.
  • Specific example based on information in résumé.
  • How you will help the organization?
  • More detail on position requirements.
  • More detail supporting your claim that your experience fulfills these requirements.
  • Specific example based on information in résumé.
  • How you will help the organization?

Sample content for body of your letter:

  • After speaking with {{Name professor}}, I looked at your website. 
  • From your online information, it’s clear you are looking to compete in {{Market area}} in the markets.
  • Many companies in this part of the world are migrating information from legacy systems. 
  • As a second semester senior at the {{University Name}}, I will graduate in {{Month/Year}} with a B.S. degree in {{Study}} with a focus on {{Minor}}.
  • I believe my background closely matches the goals you outline on your website.
  • In fact, in {{Study}}, I led a group of students helping to design a {{Project}} for the {{Client}}. 
  • This experience will help {{Organization/Department}} because many of your potential customers have similar needs: {{define needs}}.
  • Over the past semester, I have had the opportunity to participate in an internship with the {{Project}}. 
  • This involved working one-on-one with {{persons}} participating in staff meetings to review plans. 
  • Through this experience, I have demonstrated the ability to work independently as well as become a valued team member. 
  • In addition to my internship, my communication and leadership skills have been cultivated through my extracurricular involvement and conducting class group projects and presentations. 
  • Through this combination of skills and experience, I am confident that I could be an asset to your staff in the {{Job title}} position.
  • Your website states that entry-level {{Position name}}s must have experience {{Expertise}}. In addition, you state that applicants should have some real-world experience beyond the classroom. 
    I have experience with {{Expertise}}, and I have real-world experience. 
  • During my internship with {{Business}}, I used {{Expertise}} to develop a unique solution for {{Solution}}. 
  • My effort helped {{explain}}. 
  • Additionally, my course work has included assignments where I worked with outside companies on {{projects}}. Through my experiences, I have become very familiar in implementing all {{tasks}}. 
  • My background will help {{Organization/Department}} because you will not have to train me on your {{Expertise}} applications and development procedures.

Closing Paragraph

  • Repeat your main objective: an interview.
  • Provide contact information.
  • Close the letter in a professional manner.
  • Provide signature block.
  • Provide enclosure information.

Sample content for closing part of your letter:

  • {{Organization/Department}} is a growing company with the potential to expand even further in {{Market area}} markets, and I would like to speak with you further about how my experience can help you increase your operations in countries such as {{Market area}}.
  • Thank you for reviewing my letter and my enclosed résumé.
  • My resume is enclosed for your review. 
  • If you wish to contact me before then, you can reach me if you wish to arrange an interview at {{T+00000000}} and my email address is: {{[email protected]}}. 
  • I will be contacting your office next week, but if you have any questions, please call me at {{T+00000000}} or email me at {{[email protected]}}.
  • Thank you for your time and consideration.
  • Looking forward to your reply,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • {{Signature}}
  • {{Formal Name + Title}}
  • Enclosure (Résumé)

There are a few basic requirements for a University Student Job Application Letter, such as the following:

  • Structured and written to highlight your strengths;
  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Immediately clear about your name and the position you are seeking;
  • Expands upon your resume; do not repeat it verbatim;
  • Includes the person’s full name if you do not know the gender;
  • Limited to 3-4 paragraphs and 1 page;
  • Using common business letter format;
  • No copying of exact words/phrases from sample letters without checking the context;
  • Uses the correct name of the organization;
  • Be enthusiastic and authentic! Show off your character and personality.

To create an effective cover letter, make sure to use a modern business letter format and use the reader-centered approach, for example: put the bottom line up front, show how you will help the organization achieve its goals, explain how your work or study experience matches the requirements as requested in the vacancy. Use more general information to back up your claims. Also, consider double-spaced lines between your paragraphs for readability purposes. Professional documents are usually single-spaced. 

Our cover letter templates have ways to grab your employers’ attention. Every detail of the importance of your letter is taken into account. After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can customize every detail, typography, font size, and appearance of your cover letter and finish in minutes. 

Download this University Student Job Application Letter now and impress your future employer in minutes! Don't forget to add your resume to this letter.

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