Promotion Appraisal Letter Sample

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How to write a promotion appraisal letter sample? Download this sample Job Rank Promotion Appraisal Letter template now!

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Business Entreprise HR RH employee appraisal évaluation des employés company entreprise job promotion promotion de travail promotion proposal proposition promotion letter sample échantillon de lettre de promotion Designation La désignation Employee Appraisal Documents Documents d'évaluation des employés Date L'datte promotion letter template word promotion letter to employee from hr promotion letter template shrm company promotion letter promotion letter sample pdf employee promotion letter with salary increase congratulation promotion letter to employee promotion email to employee from hr promotion letter from employer to employee rank promotion

How do you write a promotion appraisal letter to an employee? How do you notify an employee of a promotion? Download this generic Promotion Letter template now!
Great performance by your staff can make a business! However, the opposite is also true. Therefore, it's important to keep employees motivated and show them a path to growth, and a position to grow in.

The important points that must be considered while drafting the promotion letter template are as follows:

  • Before writing the letter for promotion for any employee, it is important for the respective departments to update themselves with the current promotion policies especially the incentive percentage, the date of promotion etc.
  • The letter should be enthusiastic and motivating. 
  • The job promotion letter should be able to develop a sense of belonging towards the company and also be able to promote the interest of the employee towards his or her work responsibilities. 
  • The promotion announcement letter should be able to appraise the efforts of the employee and must end on a motivating note.

This is sample content for a job promotion appraisal template will capture your employees' attention:

  • Dear Employee,
  • It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been chosen to perform the duties of the {{new post}}, starting {{date of assuming new post}}. This decision was in response to you application to the post sent on {{date of application}}.
  • The board has considered you suitable for this post following your commendable performance in the interview. You will be handing over the responsibilities of your current position to {{name of per son taking over}} before {{date}}.
  • Consequent to the review of your performance during the last year, we are pleased and honored to inform you that you have been promoted from {{Current job title}} to {{Promoted designation}} in {{Company}}. 
  • We are sure you will make best use of the opportunity offered to you and contribute substantially to the success of our organization as you have done in the past and fully justify the confidence placed in you by the management.
  • We are pleased and honored to inform you that you have been promoted from {{Current job title}} to {{Promoted designation}} in {{Company}}. 
  • We congratulate you for your achievement.
  • With this promotion, you will be assigned with new roles and responsibilities, which you need to adhere to. 
  • This achievement has been received by you in the period of a year and with hard work and dedication towards work. 
  • We hope you continue to work with the same dedication for your new position in the future.
  • The details of salary structure and compensation/pers/benefits will be given to you in an official letter by our HR manager. 
  • For any clarification, you may always contact us directly.
  • A separate communication on the details of your salary revision is being sent to you.
  • Again, we wish you a productive journey and congratulations on your progress and all the very best for the future!
  • With this new position, your Salary has been increased to USD {{new salary per annum}}. 
  • The HR department will be able to give you a breakup of this salary. 
  • Please understand that this is a position that you have earned based on your merit and your contribution to our organization. 
  • We have complete faith in your abilities to execute the responsibilities as the {{new post}}.
  • Congratulations on this achievement and we wish you all success in the following years.
  • Wishing you all the best.
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Thanking you.

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms or documents. Don't reinvent the wheel when you want to write a job promotion (rank) letter. After downloading this letter and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. visuals, typography, details, and appearance of your Promotion Letter Template. Using this Job Promotion Letter format guarantees that you will save time and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success and grow the company with talented people and grow the business!

Download this sample Job Rank Promotion Appraisal Letter template now!

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