Academic Job Application Letter Sample

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What is the purpose of an academic application letter? Download our sample academic application letter template now which tailored to the needs of students and recent graduates.

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How to write an academic application letter that grabs your future employers' attention when you are applying for a job in Academia? What is the purpose of an academic application letter? Our templates are tailored to the needs of students and recent graduates. They provide a clear structure and include the key points that should be included in a successful job application letter. Download this sample application letter template now and get started!

An academic job application letter, also known as a cover letter for an academic position, is a formal document that individuals seeking employment in the field of academia, such as teachers, researchers, professors, or academic administrators, submit along with their curriculum vitae (CV) or resume as part of their application for a specific academic job. The purpose of the academic job application letter is to introduce the applicant to the hiring committee, highlight their qualifications, experiences, and research interests, and express their interest in the academic position.

Here are the key components typically included in an academic job application letter:

  1. Contact Information: Your name, address, phone number, and email address should be at the top of the letter.
  2. Salutation: Address the letter to the search committee or hiring manager, if the name is available, using a formal salutation, such as "Dear Dr. [Last Name]" or "To Whom It May Concern."
  3. Introduction: Begin with a concise introduction stating the specific academic position you are applying for and how you learned about the vacancy. You can also express your enthusiasm for the position.
  4. Academic Qualifications: Detail your academic qualifications, including your highest degree, the institution where you earned it, your major, and the year of completion. If you hold multiple degrees, summarize them briefly.
  5. Research and Teaching Experience: Highlight your relevant research and teaching experiences, emphasizing any publications, research projects, courses taught, and pedagogical methods you have employed. Tailor this section to align with the specific requirements of the job.
  6. Research Interests: Discuss your research interests and areas of expertise, providing insight into the focus of your research and potential contributions to the academic department or institution.
  7. Teaching Philosophy: Describe your teaching philosophy, including your approach to instruction, student engagement, and any innovative teaching methods you use. Explain how your teaching aligns with the institution's values and mission.
  8. Professional Achievements: Mention any awards, honors, grants, or professional memberships that are relevant to the position.
  9. Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion (if applicable): If the institution values diversity and inclusion, discuss how you contribute to these values through your teaching, research, or service.
  10. Closing: Express your strong interest in the academic position, summarize your qualifications, and thank the hiring committee for considering your application.
  11. Request for Further Action: Encourage the committee to review your enclosed CV or resume and express your desire for an interview or further consideration.
  12. Signature: Sign the letter by hand if you are submitting a printed copy. For electronic submissions, you can use a scanned or electronic signature.
  13. Enclosures: Mention any additional documents you are including with the letter, such as your CV, research statement, teaching portfolio, or references.

Academic job application letters should be concise, well-organized, and tailored to the specific position and institution you are applying to. They should also demonstrate your commitment to the academic field and your potential contributions to the department or school.

Download this Academic job application letter and impress your future employer in minutes! Don't forget to add your academic resume to this letter.

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