Receipt of Share Certificate

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How to write a Receipt of Share Certificate? Download this Receipt of Share Certificate now!

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Legal Légal stocks les stocks share partager shares actions company secretary secrétaire de la Société Secretary secrétaire company admin administrateur de l'entreprise

How to write a Receipt of Share Certificate? Download this Receipt of Share Certificate now!

This Receipt of Share Certificate template covers the most important subjects and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional way with the stakeholders involved. Getting share receipts signed is important with regards to corporate formalities.  It also serves to account for the location of stock certificates should a shareholder claim not to have received one and a replacement certificate must be issued.  Both companies and investors tend to overlook the importance of issuing and having these certificates so this document serves as evidence, or lack of evidence, of the issuing and receipt of such documents.

Receipt of Share Certificate


Please fill out the following share certificate receipt and send it back to us in the enclosed stamped self-enclosed envelope. 


Please put your certificate in a safe and secure place.  Thank you!


This is to acknowledge that I received {{Number of shares}} shares in certificate # {{Stock certificate number}} from our Corporation on {{Date}}.

Investor Name


Consider the following: 


  • Make multiple copies.  Be sure the shareholder has one as well as the corporation in its minute book and another in the investor file. 
  • Fill out the information as to number of shares, certificate number, and name of company prior to sending out the form. 

Our trustworthy legal templates are all drafted and screened by professionals. The 3 step process virtually guarantees you can finish and print your legal document in minutes! Feel free to download our basic or advanced template designs, they are intuitive and in several kinds of formats.

Download this professional legal Receipt of Share Certificate template if you find yourself in this situation and save yourself time, efforts and probably reduce some of the lawyer-fees! Using our legal templates will help you to reach the next level of success in your education, work and business! However, we still recommend you to consider consulting a local law firm in case of doubt to support you in this matter.

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