,,,,, ,,,,, ,,Period,Defects,,, ,,,,, ,,1,9,,, ,,2,11,,Average Before,"9,88888888888889" ,,3,8,,Average After,2 ,,4,10,,, ,,5,10,,, ,,6,11,,, ,,7,9,,, ,,8,10,,, ,,9,11,,, ,,10,10,,, ,,11,8,This is a period when improvements were proposed and tested ,, ,,12,3,against four major projects within the Office of Information and Technology.,, ,,1,3,This is a period when the improvements were fully implemented against,, ,,2,1,the four major projects.,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, B..
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