Baby Fever Chart

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What is a normal fever for a baby? Is 37.7 C or 99.5 F a fever in a baby? Download this Baby Fever Chart template now to get more information about the temperature ranges.

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Life Privé baby bébé

What is a normal fever for a baby? Is 37.7 C or 99.5 F a fever in a baby?

When you measure the temperature of a baby, you have a few spots where you can measure the temperature of a body part.

  • Rectum
  • Mouth
  • Armpit
  • Ear

Besides showing the normal temperature and the range and it also indicates the Fever temperature range in Celsius and Fahrenheit, 

A general rule of thumb with in children and fever is that a temperature over 37.5 C (99.5 F) is a fever. As a parent it can be extremely worrying if your child has a high temperature. It's always recommended to approach the doctor in case of fever, especially if the temperature keeps high. However, it's very common and often clears up by itself without treatment. 

Download this Baby Fever Chart template now to get more information about the temperature ranges.

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