Application Form Legalization Documents China

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Are you about to legalize your documents according to Chinese legislation rules? Download this form in order to legalize or notarize according to Chinese law!

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  • Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel
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Legal Légal

How to legalize documents for China? Are you about to legalize your documents according to Chinese legislation rules? Download this form in order to legalize or notarize according to Chinese law now!

Legalization means the authentication of a signature or seal/stamp appearing on a document. The Chinese government requires legalization of the signatures or seals of Dutch public officials on certain documents that originate in the Netherlands before those documents can be accepted in China. 

The documents should first be legalized by 3W/WorldWide Working/Legalization Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your home country before they are sent to the Consular Section of the Chinese Embassy in your country. Please consider before you go checking out the local regulations and also the office hours of your Foreign Affairs office and Chinese Embassy/Consulate. The Chinese translation of the documents may be acquired from the "authorized translators" by your own government. 

The official name of the document is Application Form of Notarization/Legalization of the Embassy/Consulate of the People's Republic of China. It's a bilingual Chinese and English form. For example, if you need to fulfill working permit/visa requirements, by providing legalized:

- Certificates from your home country
- Diplomas from your University
- Government documents
- etc

Download this Notarization/Legalization of documents for the Chinese Embassy/Consulate of the People'sRepublic of China now!

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