Letter of Interest Sample for Internal Job Posting

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How do I write an internal letter of interest? Would you like a Letter of Interest template for an internal position? Download this Letter of Interest Sample for Internal Job Posting now!

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How do I write an internal letter of interest? Would you like a Letter of Interest template for an internal position? This template outlines the candidate's qualifications, experience, and why they would be a good fit for the job. It also highlights the candidate's interest in the position and willingness to pursue it. The letter should be concise and to the point.

A letter of interest can be sent to existing or potential employers, but that is not focused on one known job vacancy. You can consider it that it’s an expression of interest or a prospecting letter. While this is often the main cover letter that targets a specific job, a letter of interest is more general and focuses on why you’re seeking employment with the company. Although you might not have a specific job description in mind, it’s always better if there is an open vacancy that you can apply for. In this specific case, the example is an LOI for an existing job position within the company that the person already works for.

If you can write an outstanding letter, to emphasize your interest in the position, this letter sample surely helps you to get your management's attention. We provide this template to help professionalize the way you are communicating.

Letter of Interest Sample for Internal Job Posting

Dear {{Name}}, 

This is concerning the mass email that was issued by the Human Resource Department of {{Organization}} about the open position for a {{Job position}}. The enclosed resume outlines an extensive record of achievements and their impact on {{Organization}} through my role as a {{Job position}}, spanning the previous three years.

As you will note from the enclosed resume, I have played a major role in obtaining grants for the {{Project name}} project which was a roaring success for {{Organization}}. I have dealt with a wide spectrum of individuals during this project and subsequent ones which makes me eloquent when it comes to the diverse projects that the company is so popular for.

I am completely familiar with the workings of not only the communications and marketing departments of {{Organization}} but also with the finance and conservation departments as I have extensively worked with all of them. This familiarity will save you the time and cost of training a new person for this position.

{{Organization}} is now bidding for the {{Project name}} project –I am one of the key members of the team that has the responsibility of laying the groundwork – and I believe that I will have more to contribute in a position of higher authority.

To discuss this in detail, I would like to meet with you. I will call your office on Monday to determine if you have time for a meeting. If you need to reach me, please contact me at my extension 888. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincere regards,

Using this HR letter template guarantees you will save time, cost, and effort! Completing a job promotion inquiry has never been easier!

Click directly on 'Open with Google Docs' or download our sample letter of interest template as a Word template now to enhance efficiency! Your success in delivering a well-structured and effective letter of interest awaits.

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