Wedding Reception Payment Schedule

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How to create a Wedding Reception Payment Schedule? Download this Wedding Reception Payment Schedule template now!

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Do you need an effective Wedding Reception Payment Schedule? Download this professional Wedding Reception Payment Schedule template now! 

This easy customizable Wedding Reception Payment Schedule can be used for any kind of personal matter. We support you by providing this Wedding Reception Payment Schedule template, which will save you time, cost and efforts and help you to reach a higher level of success in your life!

Please have a look at it and you might even discover this template has a slightly different perspective and can be very helpful.

Download this Wedding Reception Payment Schedule template now and make life a little easier!

Bride’s Name: Signature: OR Groom’s Name: Signature: FUNCTION CONTRACT SHEET 2017 Date of Wedding Estimate of Invited Guests Function Room: Victoria (min 160 adults) / Alexis (min 90 adults) This agreement is made between Hernder Estate Wines and the party (parties) represented by: Bride: Cell Groom: Cell Principle address: City Postal code A lternative Contact: Phone: Fax: Bride’s email Groom’s email Ceremony on site  3:45 Lawn Ceremony OR  4:30 East Patio  Church (1st group to book will have 1st choice of ceremony) For in case of bad weather, the ceremony will have to take place in your reception room for the same fee ADDITIONAL SERVICES:  Archway ( 50.00)  Money Box, ( 50.00)  Wine Bottles  Ceremony set-up 1000.00 (indoor or out)  Baby Grand Piano, Main Floor only ( 250.00) these prices do not include HST (except wine) Representative of the Function (Contractee) Refunds of your deposit (of an amount equivalent to ½ of the deposit) will be made if the function time/date can be rebooked, otherwise there will be no refund..

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