Easter story for kids

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What is Easter about? Check out this very Simple Easter Story Powerpoint PPT now to learn more about the origin of the Easter festival!

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Life Privé PowerPoint Power Point Easter Pâques ppt pptx simple powerpoint templates powerpoint template best PPT templates free download meilleurs modèles PPT téléchargement gratuit professional PowerPoint templates free download modèles PowerPoint professionnels à télécharger gratuitement easter festival fête de pâques easter holiday fête de Pâques eastern easter story

What is Easter about? Check out this Easter Story Powerpoint PPT now to learn more about the origin of the Easter festival!

This Simple Easter Story Powerpoint PowerPoint explains the story according to how it's written in the New Testament of the Christian bible. The same was as many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday. 

This is the day of Jesus's resurrection. Another common name for Easter Sunday is: Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, which is a festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. 

Here you find a large proportion of our collection of free and premium PowerPoint templates. Using this Simple Easter Story Powerpoint can be helpful in order to tell the tale.

Download this Easter Story Powerpoint presentation (ppt) now! Also have a look at these Happy easter messages to send to your friends, family or colleagues... The spirit of Easter is all about happiness, truth, and peace! Lets us get together and lead with youth power to spread the messages of peace and joy! Happy Easter to all!

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