Free commercial lease agreement template download

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Are you the owner of a property, or perhaps a tenant, and in need of a reliable and favorable commercial lease agreement? Do you need a sample of a commercial lease agreement? Download our sample agreement template now and get started!

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Business Entreprise

Are you the owner of a property, or perhaps a tenant, and in need of a reliable and favorable commercial lease agreement? Do you need a sample of a commercial lease agreement? We offer a commercial lease agreement template at no cost that is adaptable to your particular business requirements.

A commercial lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord that rents space to a tenant for a business-related use. During the lease period, the tenant is obligated to pay rent every month and maintain the premises. Based on lease types, the lessee may also bear the costs of real property tax, insurance premiums of the property, and costs of common area maintenance. However, the maintenance of the structure and the provision of essential repairs shall lie with the landlord.

Main parts of a commercial lease agreement:
  • Lease Term: This refers to the length of the lease, which may be anywhere from a couple of months to numerous years. 
  • Rent: This is the amount of money the tenant pays to the landlord every month. 
  • Use of Property: This includes all activities that the tenant is planning to carry out using the property. 
  • Leasehold Improvements: These are any changes or enhancements that the tenant makes on the premises. 
  • Renewal Option: This refers to the right of a tenant to extend the period of the lease once the initial period is over. 
  • Termination: This includes instances of breach of the lease agreement such as rent defaults and others.

What are the benefits of a commercial lease agreement?
Commercial lease contracts are essential and with great purpose for individuals seeking to rent out or for property landlords because such contracts demarcate the legal bounds as to the conditions of leasing that property – the dos and the don’ts for either side. Such contracts lay down the expectations from every person eliminating chances of a conflict arising.
Get this sample commercial lease agreement template for free and start the process of getting an equitable as well as an all-inclusive lease agreement for your business!

Also, you can Click directly on 'Open with Google Docs' to open the template directly in your browser!

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