School Council Meeting Agenda Template

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How to organize a School Council Meeting? Download this Agenda Template for a School Council Meeting now!

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Education Éducation politics politique school école meeting réunion university Université agenda ordre du jour Chess Échecs Chess Theory Théorie des échecs Chess Openings Ouvertures d'échecs Game Theory La théorie des jeux School Council Agenda Agenda du conseil d'école Council Conseil

How to organize a School Council Meeting? Download this example Agenda for a School Council Meeting now!

AGENDA High School School Council Meeting 15/09/14 Conference Room 

1. Welcome
2. Register
3. Acknowledgement of absences
4. Distribution of badges
5. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the school council held
6. P.E uniform
7. Kitemark
8. Family Four
9. Election of School Governor
10. Defibrillator - EP
11. AOB - (Any other business)
12. Summary
13. Close 

Download this Agenda for a School Council Meeting now!

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