Real Estate Market Analysis

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How to create a Real Estate Market Analysis? Download this Real Estate Market Analysis template now!

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Business Entreprise data Les données market marché Estate Biens Real Réal Analysis Une analyse Rate Taux Market Analysis Analyse de marché Sample Market Analysis Exemple d'analyse de marché

Are you looking for a professional Real Estate Market Analysis? If you've been feeling stuck or lack motivation, download this template now!

Do you have an idea of what you want to draft, but you cannot find the exact words yet to write it down or lack the inspiration how to make it? If you've been feeling stuck, this Real Estate Market Analysis template can help you find inspiration and motivation. This Real Estate Market Analysis covers the most important topics that you are looking for and will help you to structure and communicate in a professional manner with those involved. 

5 C H A P T E R F I V E Real Estate Markets and Analysis ■ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to 1.. 55 56 Mastering Real Estate Appraisal ■ KEY TERMS amortization buydowns capital markets conclusion decline district efficient market equity feasibility study federal discount rate Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) fiscal policy growth inefficient market interest life cycle loan-to-value (LTV) ratio market analysis market segmentation market study money markets original loan amount neighborhood payment points reserve requirements revitalization stability ■ INTRODUCTION As we have already learned in this course, value influences can generally be broken down into the following four basic forces or categories: 1.. The following are examples: 58 Mastering Real Estate Appraisal Social Family composition Community and neighborhood organizations Cultural or ethnic groups Economic Income levels of residents Development trends Employment Physical/Environmental Topography Subsurface (Rock, marsh, etc.) Governmental Zoning School districts Police and fire protection Land use plan Even though a district or neighborhood may be most clearly identifiable by a social, economic, or governmental force, the appraiser usually relates these forces to a specific area defined geographically.. TABLE 5.1 ■ Contrasts of an Efficient Market and Inefficient Market Characteristic Efficient Market (stock market) Inefficient Market (real estate) Products Inventory of Buyers and Sellers Prices Homogeneous Large number Uniform/Stable/Low (most can afford)/ Quality Tends to Uniformity at a Set Price Self Regulating/ Few Government Restrictions Balanced (daily) due to competition Unique Few Variable/Inconsistent/High (limited affordability) Restrictions Supply and Demand Information/Intelligence Organized Conduit Goods Fully Informed Participants An Exchange Readily Available/Consumed Quickly/ Supplied Easily/Transportable Many Restrictions Often Unbalanced (for months/years) Limited Accur

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Download this Real Estate Market Analysis template and save yourself time and efforts! You will see completing your task has never been simpler!

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