Account Balance Disposal Letter

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How to write a Account Balance Disposal request to your bank to transfer the remaining balance on your bank account to a new bank account elsewhere? Download this Account Balance Disposal Letter template here.

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Finance La finance banking bancaire bank banque request letter lettre de demande

How to write a Account Balance Disposal request to your bank to transfer the remaining balance on your bank account to a new bank account elsewhere?

If your bank forces you do (immediately) close your bank account, you will need to make sure your funds are safe and directly send them a formal 'Account Balance Disposal letter'. There can be many reasons why banks will ask you to close your account, and mainly they will refer to 'security reasons' or 'nonconformities with their policy', without giving you a proper explanation. It's useful to protest, just make sure that you get your funds out safe and quick.

Account Balance Disposal Letter example content:

Subject: Account Balance Disposal Letter


As discussed over the phone on DATE, with Name account manager, we were forced to close our private bank account for reason: ‘security reasons’. This was our first correspondence regarding this matter, and we were only informed of this matter, because we were calling with the general hotline regarding recent payment issues with our account. The closing date is Date.

Current Bank account details of Joint bank account, about to be closed:
{{Bank branch}}
AC-NO: {[Account number]}
Account holder(s): {{Name account holders}} 
SWIFT: {{Swift code}}
Local bank code: {{Bank code}}
{{Other relevant details}}

Please transfer the remaining funds* of about {{Amount}} {{Currency}} in our account, converted into {{Currency}} to the following account:
Account holder: {{Name account holder(s)}}
AC-NO: {[Account number]}
Account holder(s): {{Name account holders}} 
SWIFT: {{Swift code}}
Local bank code: {{Bank code}}
{{Other relevant details}}
For any further questions, you can contact me directly with the known contact details: {{email}} / {{phone number}}.
Kind regards,
{{Name account holder(s)}}
* Remaining funds
Balance as per date

If you are in this situation, there is no need to stress or to write a letter from scratch. Instead, we provide this formal Account Balance Disposal Letter template with text and formatting as a starting point to help you send a proper request letter with payment instructions.

Using this Account balance disposal letter you have a decent letter with payment details and instructions! It comes in Microsoft Office or Google Docs format and is ready to be tailored to your personal needs.

Get this downloadable Account Balance Disposal Letter template here and customize it according to your needs.

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