Meeting Minutes Of Informal Consultative Meeting

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Looking for an example Meeting Minutes Of Informal Consultative Meeting? Download this Minutes Of The Informal Consultative Meeting On Suggested Draft Budget,

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Business Entreprise Legal Légal budget le budget politics politique meeting réunion government gouvernement Secretary secrétaire informal meeting minutes procès verbal de réunion informelle

Looking for an example Meeting Minutes Of Informal Consultative Meeting? Download this Minutes Of The Informal Consultative Meeting On The Suggested Draft Budget For The Convention On Biological Diversity For The Biennium now!

The meeting was attended by 26 representatives of the following Parties: Bahamas Brazil Cameroon Chile European Community Finland Germany Japan Mexico Netherlands Norway, Russian Federation Slovenia Spain Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom and Yemen, as well as by the two Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing.. The disconnect between the negotiation of substantive decisions with serious financial implications and budget discussion was mentioned in the framework of COP Decision VIII/10 Annex 1 paragraph 1, and the Executive Secretary informed participants that the compilation of suggested draft decisions to COP9 will include a statement on their financial implications and the plenary of COP9 will be convened at the end of the first week to review the financial implication of the emerging draft decisions ..

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