Fast Food Calorie Chart

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How to create a Fast Food Calorie Chart? Download this Fast Food Calorie Chart template now!

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  • Ce document a été certifié par un professionnel
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Business Entreprise Life Privé kids des gamins Total Meal Repas Charts Graphiques Food Calorie Chart Tableau des calories alimentaires Calories Les calories Kcal

Do you need an effective Fast Food Calorie Chart? Download this professional Fast Food Calorie Chart template now! 

This easy customizable Fast Food Calorie Chart can be used for any kind of personal matter. We support you by providing this Fast Food Calorie Chart template, which will save you time, cost and efforts and help you to reach a higher level of success in your life!

Please have a look at it and you might even discover this template has a slightly different perspective and can be very helpful.

Download this Fast Food Calorie Chart template now and make life a little easier!

Use this as a reference guide to make informed decisions for your kids the next time you choose to dine out Recommended calorie limits per meal Preschoolers (2-5 years) 410 calories Elementary-age children (6-11 years) 650 calories BK Kids’ Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Additional calories (kcal) 4-piece chicken nuggets with sweet and sour dipping sauce 235 6-piece chicken nuggets with ranch dipping sauce +185 Apple slices 30 Fries +210 Plain milk 90 NESTEA southern style iced tea +45 Total calories: 355 Total calories: 355+ 440 = 795 Counting Calories in Kids’ Meals DQ Kid’s Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Additional calories (kcal) 2-piece chicken strips 220 Cheeseburger +180 Applesauce 90 Fries +100 2 milk 110 Arctic Rush +100 Chocolate Dilly Bar 140 Chocolate-dipped cone +80 Total Calories: 560 Total Calories: 560 + 460 = 1,020 Fresh Fit for Kids Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Additional calories (kcal) Veggie Delite on wheat bread without cheese 150 Roast Beef on white bread with American cheese +80 Apple slices 35 100 juice box 100 Chocolate milk +200 Total Calories: 285 Total Calories: 285 + 280 = 565 Counting Calories in Kids’ Meals Happy Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Additional calories (kcal) 4-piece McNuggets (with BBQ sauce) 240 Cheeseburger +60 Apple slices (double portion) 30 Fries (double portion) +170 1 low fat milk 100 Hi-C Orange Lavaburst +20 Total Calories: 370 Total Calories: 370 + 250 = 620 Mighty Kids’ Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Additional calories (kcal) 6-piece McNuggets (with BBQ sauce) 330 McDouble +60 Apple slices (double portion) 30 Fries (double portionsmall and kids’ sizes) +300 1 low fat milk 100 Hi-C Orange Lavaburst +60 Total Calories: 460 Total Calories: 460 + 420 = 880 Counting Calories in Kids’ Meals Wendy’s Kids’ Meal Lowest-calorie option Calories (kcal) Substituted item Addit

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