Back to work checklist Maternity leave

back to work checklist maternity leave modèles
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Are you ready to go back to work after your maternity leave? This Back to work checklist after Maternity leave will help you make the transition easier for you.

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HR RH career carrière HRM GRH Leave Laisser Paternity Paternité maternity leave congé maternité maternity maternité pregnancy grossesse back to work checklist

Are you ready to go back to work after your maternity leave? This Back to work checklist after Maternity leave will help you make the transition easier for you.

When working while pregnant, there are so many things that you need to prepare for. Firstly for your pregnancy, but also you need to find a replacement at work and arrange a proper handover timely. Therefore, it's important to think about everything that needs to happen. A good checklist will help you with this.

For example, make sure that you talk to your boss; what will your first week back to work look like? Also, make sure to contact HR at least two weeks in advance. Let them know the day you’re coming back to work and find out what to expect.

Regarding childcare, make sure you finalize details with your daycare provider or nanny, what will the first day be and what do they need? Did you already make an emergency contact list? And so on...

Download this Back to work checklist Maternity leave checklist, and you will see the transition will go more smoothly. Congratulations and enjoy the pregnancy!

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