Business Value Proposition

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How do you write a business value proposition? Check out this easy to download and use Value Proposition format for any type of business.


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How do you write a business value proposition? Are you looking for the right questions to ask yourself how to make this business successful? 

When you write a value proposition for a business, it's important you understand the importance of adding value as a business, and how you will be able to make the biggest impact with customers and stakeholders. By showing accurate information, and asking the right questions, you are getting closer to the truth. By going through this Value Proposition template and filling in the questions, you will know soon how successful your business idea will be and what to improve.

Business Value Proposition:

Follow these steps when you are writing a value proposition:

1. Identify benefits your product or service offers;
2. Describe what makes these benefits valuable;
  • FOR {{the target customer}};
  • WHO {{specific needs, requirements, demands, buying criteria}};
  • WE PROVIDE {{solution name/description}};
  • THAT {{gives specific business benefits/value to clients}};
  • UNLIKE {{the competition}};
  • WHO {{provide solution, features, functions, benefits}};
  • OUR COMPANY {{better approach, solution, functions, benefits}};
  • THAT {{offers a better customer experience}}.
3. Identify your customer's main problem;
4. Connect this value to your buyer's problem;
5. Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of this value.

Value Propositions
  • What value do we deliver to the customer?
  • Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?
  • What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? 
  • Which customer needs are we satisfying?

  • Newness 
  • Performance 
  • Customization
  • “Getting the Job Done” 
  • Design
  • Brand/Status Price
  • Cost Reduction 
  • Risk Reduction 
  • Accessibility
  • Convenience/Usability

You can also find these values in the Business Canvas Scorecard.

Try out our online business templates, forms, and contracts today. Save, fill-In the blanks, print …and done! Download this Business Value Proposition template now and achieve your goals faster!

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