Baby Shower Bingo Card

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How to create a Baby shower Bingo Card? How do you play bingo at a baby shower? Download this Baby shower Bingo Card template now!

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How do you play bingo at a baby shower? Do you need an effective Baby Shower Bingo Card? Download this professional Baby Shower Bingo Card template now! 

This easy customizable Baby Shower Bingo Card can be used for any kind of personal matter. We support you by providing this Baby Shower Bingo Card template, which will save you time, cost, and effort and help you to reach a higher level of success in your life! In several countries, like the United States of America, there is this tradition to celebrate the recent birth of a child by presenting gifts to a mother at the party or to celebrate a transformation of a woman to become a mother.

Before the Baby Shower, print off these free baby shower bingo cards. They have names of typical baby shower gifts. There are 20 different cards to print off, each one is a different order (so that each guest gets a differently ordered card otherwise everyone would win at the same time!) Print off a different Bingo card for each guest. Buy Hershey's Kisses or little plastic babies at a craft store for the game pieces (or M&M's, Hershey's minis, or other candy). You will need about 15-20 game pieces for each guest.

How to play Gift Baby Shower Bingo: During the Baby Shower, Hand each guest bingo cards and 15-20 game pieces. Instruct the guests that as the expectant mother is opening the gifts, they place a Hershey's Kiss or another game piece on their card if the gift is on one of the squares of their Baby Shower Bingo card. Someone wins if they get 5 in a row, 5 in a column, or 5 in a diagonal.

Keep playing even if someone wins in the middle of opening gifts; keep playing until all the gifts are opened. (Have multiple prizes because there will likely be more than 1 winner). Print off these Bingo cards on heavy cardstock. To print: go to “File”, then “Print”. Then just cut out each Bingo card and you are ready to play! 

This party is called a Baby Shower and is a kind of party where commonly only women are invited where they are supposed to bring gifts to be given to that new mother. Typical gifts are diapers, blankets, toys, clothes for later ages, shoes for later ages, and any related items that should be useful for both mother and her baby. 

Nowadays, baby showers are often not only organized by the expecting mother, but baby shower hostess can also include friends, family, and even their spouses. Therefore, you can find plenty of baby shower celebrations in different agendas in many countries. Even though giving gifts still part of the agenda, but it is not limited to women only.
The main aim is to celebrate the birth of a child where it has to be celebrated with a specific traditional ceremony based on the country where the baby is born or based on their father and mother customs or religion.

Use this bingo card set that will help you organize your Baby Shower. Then just cut out each Bingo card and you are ready to play Baby Shower Bingo Cards. Download this Baby Shower Bingo Card template now and make life a little easier!

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