Cost Quotation Cover Letter

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How to write a cost quotation cover letter? Download our free Quotation Letter Template now!

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Finance La finance budget le budget RFQ proposal proposition Quote Citation Rfp quotation devis proposal cover letter quote cover letter cost quotation

How to write a cost quotation cover letter? Download our free Quotation Letter Template now!

Adequate communication is essential in order to make the business grow. There are a few basic requirements for a strong quotation cover sales letter, like the following guidelines to take into account:

  • Write a text and imagine like you are a customer;
  • Immediately clear about your company, introduce products/services in an attractive way;
  • The structure is standard: introduction, body, and conclusion, but you must apply AIDA ; principles (Attention – Interest – Desire – Action);
  • Use a comfortable to read conversation style;
  • Use headlines to capture the attention of customers and get readers interested;
  • use short clear sentences and compose the text in short paragraphs;
  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Edit and re-edit your text until it’s satisfying for 110%;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Structured and written to highlight your strengths.

Therefore we invite you to check out and download our basic or advanced sales templates. They are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as PDF, WORD, etc. Are you working in sales, and you need to send an attractive and successful sales letter to your customers, then download our highly effective sales quotation letter now to achieve their goals faster! 

Cost Quotation Cover Letter for Product/Service:

Dear Mr./Mrs.,
As we discussed, here’s a preliminary quotation for [YOUR PRODUCTS/SERVICES] for [YOUR CLIENT].  
Does this reflect everything we discussed, and what you expected? If not, let us know, and we can quickly revise the quotation to reflect your needs.
If the quotation is on target, tell us how you want to proceed. We can arrange a lease with low monthly payments tailored to your operating budget. Of course the[YOUR PRODUCTS/SERVICES], is/are also available for outright purchase.
But I urge you to hurry. Several of our major suppliers have announced planned price increases. When their prices go up, so do ours. 
We can only hold the prices in this quotation for [NUMBER] days from the date on the proposal. To ensure the lowest prices, place your order now.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

A basic cover letter is accompanying a Cost Quotation or Contract, etc and it basically introduces the business opportunities and the main reasons to cooperate. Try out this, and other free and premium professional templates, forms and contracts today. Save this Quotation letter now, fill-In the blanks, print …and done! 

Download this Quotation cover letter template and after downloading you can change and customize every detail and appearance and finish it in minutes.

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