Salary Increase Letter

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How to write a salary increase letter including a word template for employers to edit and use

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HR RH hr department départements des ressources humaines employer employeur Salary Un salaire salary increase augmentation de salaire Salary Increase Letter Lettre d'augmentation salariale

This is a free and ready-to-use salary increase letter to employee that can be used by your HR department or head of HR. 

Use this pay increase letter to employee to officially inform them that their salary will change and show your appreciation for their work. This template can be use as a letter or email. A salary increase letter reinforces the discussion the manager held with the employee when the employee learned about the salary increase. The letter serves to emphasize the employee's positive contributions to the workplace. In this editable sample salary increase letter, the manager has met with the employee so the letter is confirming what the employee already knows. The interaction allows the employee to ask questions. It allows the manager to explain the company’s pay and reward philosophy as well. The template has been created in Word and can be fully be edit to your needs.

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