Request Leave Letter template

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How to write a request letter? How to write a request for leave letter? We provide sample Leave requests that fits your needs!

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How to write a request for leave letter? We provide sample Leave requests that fits your needs!

Due to the difficult circumstances, we advise you to use this formal approval letter to inform somebody you cannot attend. Please note this letter is provided for guidance only. Make use of our leave request approval letter to help to make your own personalized version. The objective of writing this letter is to get permission for a leave. 

When requesting a formal leave of absence, your letter should include:

  • Dates you expect to be away from school;
  • Date you plan to return to school;
  • Word of thanks for considering your request.
  • Reasons for leave:
    • Calling in Sick, especially when having a contagious illness, such as the common cold or flu;
    • Family issues, such as a sick family member;
    • Severe weather and you live remote;
    • Loss of a family member or loved one;
    • Household emergencies with big impact (water leakage);
    • Severe mental health issues;
    • You have a student internship or job interview.

Request for Leave Letter template

Through:  The Advisor
To Whom It May Concern or Dear Mr., Mrs.,
Introduction to yourself / company in brief terms. Briefly mention the reason for your letter.
As you know I am part of the {{Name team}} team that {{describe team achievements}}. request you to grant me leave for ____ day/days on/from ____________ to ___________ for the following reason (tick whichever is applicable).
Request and mention the reason
I had a request to make to you. I have to make a trip to {{Location}} this weekend since I have had a phone call from my parent’s place and I came to know that my mother is not keeping well. It is an emergency situation and I have to be there with my parents for any kind of help they might need. Thus, I request you to kindly grant me leave for {{Number of days}} days. 
There is also an alternative {{Give alternatives to the request, if any. Do not apologize to asking the request.}}
I request you to grant me leave for ____ day/days on/from/to for the following reason (tick whichever is applicable):
  • I would like to attend the family function 
  • I would like to go to my native place 
  • I would like to go to temple, ______________________________________, etc with my family.
  • I am suffering from (Medical certificate must be produced if exceed more than two days)
  • Any other reason 
We can discuss this matter in person, so I can elaborate on the reason. 
I will be resuming my work on {{Date}}
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Whether the request letter is formal, or not, we advise putting the reason in the first paragraph of the letter's body. In the paragraphs following, you can use examples to support your main reason. In the final paragraph, you need to summarize the purpose of your letter again and suggest a suitable course of action to follow. Do not indent the paragraphs. But instead, leave an empty line between each paragraph.

Download this leave request template to write a decent letter by yourself. This one is easy to edit and can fit your personal situation. If this letter does not fit your requirements, please also have a look at the topic: Leave Letter Templates.

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