Printable Workout Log

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How to create a Workout Log? This printable workout log is useful for everybody that has goals to improve their health, fitness, and endurance. Download this Printable Workout Log template now!

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How to write a Printable Workout Log? Download this Printable Workout Log template that will perfectly suit your needs.

This printable workout log is useful for everybody that has goals to improve their health, fitness, and endurance. When you start using a Workout Schedule, you start in a structured and smart way. Try it now and let this Blank Weekly Workout Schedule sample inspire you.

It is important to keep track of each and every workout in order to achieve your fitness goals. Logging your workouts can help with workout consistency, motivation, and ensure you are keeping your workout challenging to see results. A training log can also tell you if certain days or times are not working for you. It is also fun to look back on your old logs and see what you used to do way back when!

  1. Fill out each section of the log each day to get the full benefits!
  2. Write the date (day of week, month, day, year) and time of workout in the appropriate sections
  3. Did you do cardio today? Before or after the workout? Write this down in the section
  4. marked "CARDIO?” You might find that your workouts are less intense if you do cardio before a workout. This section can help you keep track.
  5. Mood: How are you feeling today? Tired? Energized? Depressed? Frustrated with work? Sad because of bad news? Write it down here! Maybe every Wednesday at noon you are feeling tired and not realizing it. Now you will know!
  6. Exercise: This is the name of the exercise you are performing e.g. Leg Press
  7. Length of Workout: Write down how long the workout took you from start to finish. You can look back and see if you are working out intensely or socializing in-between sets.
  8. Comments: Important! How did the workout go? What happened that was interesting? What supplements did you take today? Learn anything? Write it all here!
  9. Workout Location: This is for people that work out at different locations often and are close by.
After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can customize every detail and appearance of your document and finish in minutes. This Exercise workout log template is intuitive, ready-to-use and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this document template inspire you. We certainly hope that this workout template sample will fit your needs.

Our collection of online health templates aims to make life easier for you. Our site is updated every day with new health and healthcare templates. By providing you this health Printable Workout Log template, we hope you can save precious time, cost, and effort and it will help you to reach the next level of success in your life, studies, or work!

Workout Log 1st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Cardiovascular Workout for 20 minutes minimum: run, bike, or swim Strength Workout (3 sets of 10): push-ups, sit-ups, and shoulder press Cardiovascular Workout for 20 minutes minimum: run, bike, or swim

This Printable Workout Log is intuitive, ready-to-use, and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this Printable Workout Log sample inspire you.

We certainly encourage you to download this Printable Workout Log now and use it to your advantage!

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