Letter of recommen

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How do you write a letter of recommendation for someone? Don't reinvent the wheel from scratch when you are asked to write a recommendation letter for somebody.

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How do you write a letter of recommendation for someone?

Don't reinvent the wheel from scratch when you are asked to write a recommendation letter for somebody. Instead, have a look at our recommendation letter sample and let it inspire you to write an engaging and effective personalized letter.

What is a Recommendation Letter?
A letter of recommendation, or reference letter, is often sent from the current or previous manager, supervisor, professor, coworker, peer, or personal contact who can describe the knowledge, skills, or aptitudes that you possess.

Uses for reference letters
Recommendation letters can be used when looking for work or applying to graduate school. Reference letters may be required when applying for monetary awards, such as a fellowship or grant. When presented selectively
in a portfolio, reference letters provide compelling evidence to an employer or committee about your abilities.

While your referees can provide a verbal reference, letters can be used if your reference has moved away, is no longer with the organization, or is out of reach for some reason, such as on holiday, when you need to supply your references.

Who makes a good reference?
When looking for employment, a current or previous employer or direct supervisor is the best reference. It is also acceptable to include a direct supervisor from unpaid employment, such as a practicum or a volunteer position. When applying for graduate or professional school, persons who can comment on your academic achievements, such as a professor, or a professional who is active in the field you wish to enter, are excellent choices. Personal and/or professional acquaintances, for example, a high-ranking
community member or professional in good standing whom you know personally, are also acceptable.

What makes a good reference letter?
  • Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments, skills, and strengths.
  • Use of the active voice indicates that you completed tasks and demonstrated desirable behaviors. The passive voice can indicate that events happened to you and tasks would have been completed whether you were there or not.
  • How you performed the responsibilities required for the position or role. A glowing reference letter will include how you exceeded expectations in your position/role, even if it is only in one area.
  • Descriptions of your contributions to the work/academic environment, whether in regards to your
  • work habits, such as completed tasks on time, or your personal strengths, for example, you are collegial and supportive.
  • • If possible, a statement indicating that the referee would re-hire you or collaborate with you on another project. People may also work several times for the same organization and it is beneficial for you if the letter indicates that you worked for or with the referee several times or that they expect to work with you in the future.
  • The referee’s contact information including his or her full name, appropriate title, address, phone number, and/or e-mail address.

Instead, we provide this standardized Reference Letter template with text and formatting as a starting point to help professionalize the way you are working. Our private, business, and legal document templates are regularly screened by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Letter of Recommendation sample sentences:

  • To Whom It May Concern,
  • Dear {{Recipient}}:
  • I am writing this reference at the request of {{Name}}, who is applying for a position at {{Company Name}}. {{Name}} has worked with me {{number of years}} at {{Company Name}} in {{roles}}.
  • {{Name}} has several strengths I would like to share. He has exceptional technical skills. For example, {{add a specific example}}. {{Name}} is also a fast learner.
  • {{Add additional strengths}}.
  • In conclusion, I would highly recommend {{Name}}. If his performance in my {{work group}} is any indication of how he’d perform in the available position, {{Name}} will be an extremely positive addition to your organization.
  • If you need any additional information, feel free to contact me at {{telephone}} or by email at {{email address}} anytime.
  • I confirm that {{Name}} was employed as an {{Job Position}} with {{Organization}} from {{Date}} to {{Date}}
  • {{Name}} readily fulfilled his responsibilities of making sales calls, following up on orders and participating in sales meetings. {{He/She}}  learned about new products quickly. {{Name}}’s sales team has met their sales quotas for the past {{number or years}} years.
  • {{Name}} was a team player and easily got along with the other people in the office. {{He/She}}  also held an acceptable attendance record.
  • I would recommend {{Name}} Terrific to whichever position {{He/She}}  might be applying for. If you need further information, you can contact me at {{phone number}} or email: {{email}}.
  • I am pleased to recommend {{Name}} for the position of {{Job Position}} with the {{Department}}. I believe that {{Name}}’s experience with {{Organization}} first as an Assistant Manager and recently as a Human Resources Recruiter will complement the role and the many skills it requires.
  • {{Name}} was hired in {{Date Start}} as a Manager Trainee with {{Organization}}. {{Name}} was the youngest manager hired into this role in {{Country}}. {{He/She}} progressed into the role of Assistant Manager in {{Date Start}}.
  • Although the Assistant Manager role is a junior position within the management hierarchy, {{Name}} often managed the 100,000 ft2 alone with a staff of 20-30 associates reporting directly to him. His duties included maintaining sales through coaching, providing exceptional customer service, following up on customer concerns, ordering the additional products, and delivering performance reviews. Not only did {{Name}} meet these requirements of the job, {{He/She}} also developed an employee recognition program that highlighted individual skills of associates and created incentive programs that enabled associates to see their progress.
  • {{Name}}’s professionalism and interpersonal skills allowed him to cultivate a strong team environment and gain the respect of his peers.
  • In {{Date start}} {{Name}} was promoted to Human Resources Recruiter for Western {{Country}}. In this role {{Name}} interviewed management candidates across {{Country}} to fill the vacancies created by twenty new store openings each year. {{Name}} quickly adapted to the rigorous travel and tight deadlines. In addition to his demanding schedule, {{Name}} also took over the duties of a co-worker while she went on maternity leave and single-handedly organized, executed, and followed up on twenty University career fairs across western {{Country}}. This requires detail oriented organizational skills, an ability to adapt to many circumstances, and strong interpersonal skills. Because of {{Name}}’s success in this role {{He/She}} was asked to train other recruiters on the successful strategy to create a strong recruitment presence across {{Name}} is eager to succeed and finds ways to improve his workplace.
  • To conclude, I have been happy with {{Name}}’s performance as an Assistant Manager and Recruiter for {{Organization}}. I would not hesitate to re-hire {{Name}}. I believe his experience in dealing with students at career fairs, his in-depth knowledge of hiring practices, and his ability to communicate effectively make him a strong candidate for the position of {{Job Position}} with the {{Department}}. If you have any questions or concerns regarding {{Name}}’s performance at {{Organization}}, please contact me directly at {{phone number}} or email: {{email}}.
  • I am pleased to provide a reference for {{Name}} who I have known for approximately five years.
  • {{Name}} and I first met as student staff, on the Workshops and Presentations team, at {{Department}} at the {{Organization}}. After {{Name}} moved on to work in career development with the federal government, we continued to meet, often at professional development events, to share ideas and practices to enrich our work as career practitioners. I believe {{Name}}’s work and education experience make her a strong candidate for the position of {{Job Position}} in the Bachelor of Education University  {{University}}.
  • {{Name}}’s work assignment with {{Department}} was multi-faceted. She worked in the {{Department}}, which serves 1,000 students per week, the place of the first contact for many clients. There she provided students with on-the-spot advising directing them to the most appropriate resources (workshops, books, tip sheets, forums or fairs, web sites, other agencies, etc.) and answering questions.
  • She also conducted one-on-one hour-long consultations in the areas of work search and career decision making, resume critiquing, and mock interviews. Her clients and co-workers appreciated the breadth of her knowledge, developed through continuing education, both formal and informal. In her workshops and presentations, {{Name}} was enthusiastic, competent, and confident. We often co-facilitated and I could always count on her to be well prepared. I particularly appreciated her expertise when we presented to graduating students, a group known for asking probing and wide-ranging questions. Drawing on her experience as a former high school teacher, {{Name}} was able to satisfy even the most challenging of our workshop participants.
  • {{Department}} put {{Name}}’s writing skills to work as well. She revised several workshop facilitator's manuals, co-authored a self-employment workshop script, and developed a few handouts.
  • {{Name}} was frequently entrusted with challenging assignments. On one occasion, she was asked to provide a four-day career development workshop tailored to the needs of technically sophisticated postgraduate information technology students. Working with a very tight time frame, {{Name}} recruited a team of facilitators, secured workshop materials more suited to her IT audience, and adapted material to include many online resources so the students could make use of their computers throughout the presentations. Her efforts proved successful. {{Department}} was invited back to offer the workshops on several subsequent occasions.
  • After {{Name}} left the {{Department}}, I was pleased to maintain our mutually sustaining professional and personal relationship. I believe she would be an asset to {{University}} and an outstanding resource for its students. I wish her well. Should you have any questions regarding {{Name}}’s qualifications, please contact me at {{phone number}} or email: {{email}}.

Using this Letter of recommendation template guarantees you will save time or effort! It comes in Microsoft Office format, is ready to be tailored to your personal needs. Completing your document has never been easier!

Download this Recommendation Letter template now for your own benefit!

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