References Template

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How do I create a reference template in Word? What should be on a reference list? Are you looking for a professional Reference List Format? Download our sample template now which will help you create a list of references quickly and easily.

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Education Éducation Research Recherche Academic Académique reference template for resume reference list template free reference list template for research paper job reference list template google docs reference list template google docs personal reference list template word universtiy academic referral academic reference référence académique APA reference list template Modèle de liste de référence APA academic reference list template modèle de liste de référence académique research reference list template

How do I create a reference template in Word? What should be on a reference list? Are you looking for a professional Reference List FormatThis template will help you create a list of references quickly and easily. It includes space for contact information, title, institution, and contact information. It also provides space for a short description of each reference.

This Reference List Format template can help you find inspiration and shows how to structure and communicate in a professional way with your readers. When writing a thesis, research paper, news article, etc, it's common that you need to quote someone else, because they have paraphrased what you are trying to say in a suitable or memorable way. When you cite someone else’s ideas, research conclusions, statistics, or unique information, it's important that you always cite the source and give its authors credit for their ideas and work. If you use the same words as the original author (or authors) it is called a direct quote and you must communicate this to the readers. 

If you fail to do so, it can be considered plagiarism. Quoting and adding a reference to the source is in principle the same as if it comes from a book, website academic article, newspaper, etc. This reference list is a good example on how you professionally cite and add references in your work.

Reference List format:

  • {{Reference Name}}
  • {{Title}}
  • {{Company Name}}
  • {{Street Address}}
  • {{City, ST ZIP Code}}
  • {{Telephone}}
  • {{Email}} Relationship: {{Relationship with reference}} at {{Company Name}} from {{dates}}
  • (oten written fully or in parts in italics)

Based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001) Whenever you quote someone else directly, paraphrase someone else’s ideas, summarize someone else s ideas, report someone else’s statistics, or report a piece of unique information, you need to cite the source and give its authors credit for their ideas and work.

Feel free to download this intuitive template that is available in several kinds of formats, or try any other of our basic or advanced templates, forms, samples, lists, or documents. Don't reinvent the wheel if you need to add references to your work.

After downloading this sample reference list you can easily modify the style, typography, details, and appearance of your list and directly start filling in the blanks.  

Download this Reference List Format template and save yourself time and effort! You will see completing your references in the future just became a little easier!

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