Dance Score Sheet

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How to create a Dance Score Sheet? Download this Dance Score Sheet template now!

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Business Entreprise sheet drap Dance Danse Movement Mouvement Score Sheet Feuille de résultats Best Score Sheet Meilleure feuille de pointage Routine Transitions Les transitions Technique

Looking for a Dance Score Sheet? Download this Dance Score Sheet template now!

We provide this leisure Dance Score Sheet template, a product of an experienced teams' extensive work, to help you out! It is the perfect choice for those who are working in or looking for leisure and recreational templates.
OASSA’s State of Ohio Cheer and Dance Competition DANCE SCORE SHEET JAZZ JUDGING CRITERIA SEE BACK Judge’s CATEGORY MAX POINT VALUE 1 2 Fair 3 4 5 6 Good COMMENTS SCORE TECHNIQUE – 35 PTS STRENGTH IN MOVEMENT Good Body Placement 15 Strong Movement Proper Technique EXECUTION OF TECHNIQUE 10 DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY 10 Strong Execution High Level of Difficulty Weak Movements Improper Body Placement/Technique GROUP EXECUTION – 30 PTS Good Timing UNIFORMITY/ SYNCHRONIZATION SPACING/ TRANSITIONS 15 Variety of Formations Synch and Timing Off Spacing Errors 15 Transitions Slow Dance in Transitions CHOREOGRAPHY – 20 PTS MUSICALITY/ CREATIVITY/ ORIGINALITY 10 ROUTINE STAGING/ VISUAL EFFECTS 10 Great Use of Music Very Original / Variety Overall Very Visual Lacking Variety Lacks Visual Effects PERFORMANCE IMPRESSION – 15 PTS COMMUNICATION 10 Solid Routine Nice Message Strong Performance OVERALL IMPRESSION T0TAL 5 100 Lacks Energy Needs Overall More Strength Music Does Not Match the Routine 7 8 9 10 Excellent         OASSA  –  JAZZ   Judges’  Criteria:     Routine  Description:    A  Jazz  routine  incorporates  stylized  dance  and  combinations  of  formations  changes,  group  work,  leaps,  turns   and  overall  dance  technique..

We provide a lot of free suitable templates and also have a premium collection available for professional usage. Using our leisure documents, forms and templates guarantee you will save time, cost and efforts!

Download this Dance Score Sheet template now! Fast, safe and easy!

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