Sample letter request for housing accommodation

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Sample letter request for housing accommodation Download this Request Letter to Provide Residence sample directly and customize where needed.

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How do I write a letter to request accommodation from your employer?

A letter of accommodation can refer to the letter written by a person that asks the company for support in their living conditions, by requesting reasonable accommodation near the workplace. In the body of your letter include the following:

  • Identify the reason why you need accommodation;
  • Identify the specific problems that you are having with commuting;
  • Avoid writing that you are unable to perform your job;
  • If you are qualified with reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of the job;
  • Employers are not requiring eliminating essential functions of the job;
  • Articulate your ideas for reasonable accommodations if any;
  • Request that your employer share their accommodation ideas;
  • Ask that your employer respond to your request within a reasonable time;
  • Send it besides your boss or HR manager, to any additional people, such as a direct supervisor.

Sample Request Letter to Provide Accommodation:

  • I am working as a {{Occupation}} in this company.
  • As you know, the plant site is far away from the city and there is very little public transport available on this route. 
  • I am facing difficulties in commuting daily as I cannot afford the expenses of a private vehicle. 
  • Moreover, during peak season, I have to work overtime, my shifts end late at night, and I cannot reach my home at that hour due to the non-availability of transport. 
  • Under these conditions, I request you to provide me one of the staff quarters, which are situated on plant premises. 
  • This will be immensely helpful in discharging my responsibilities smoothly and lessen my financial burden largely. 
  • I shall regard this great favor and will be very grateful to you.
  • Yours faithfully,
Download this Request Letter to Provide Residence sample directly and customize where needed.

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