Landscaping Project Manager Job Description

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How to create a Landscaping Project Manager Job Description? Download this Landscaping Project Manager Job Description template now!

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Business Entreprise HR RH project projet Manager le manager job description Description de l'emploi Landscape Paysage Richmond Examples Of Landscaping Job Description Exemples de description de tâches d'aménagement paysager Sample Landscaping Job Description Exemple de description de travail en aménagement paysager Landscaping Aménagement paysager

How to draft a Landscaping Project Manager Job Description? Do you need a job description template? This job description template provides a guide for you to use. Download this Landscaping Project Manager Job Description template now!

We support you and your company by providing this Landscaping Project Manager Job Description template in order to simplify the process of developing a job description. It will save you and your Human Resources and your Recruitment department time, cost and efforts.

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Download this Landscaping Project Manager Job Description template now and help you to reach the next level of success in your work and business!

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Core  Responsibilities     • Coordinates  and  supervises  all  landscape  installation  and  maintenance   activities,  including  but  not  limited  to  understanding  the  sale  and  value   creation  expected,  creating  project  schedules,  mitigating  risks,  delivering   such  that  customers  become  raving  fans,  managing  up  and  laterally  with   team  members,  and  the  like   • Directs  all  field  personnel  to  achieve  completion  of  the  project  on  schedule,   within  budget,  with  quality  workmanship  that  conforms  to  original  plans  and   specifications   • Involvement  with  hiring,  training,  and  developing  team  members   • Orders  materials  as  necessary  throughout  the  process   • Develop  and  maintains  positive  relationships  with  customers,  contractors,   suppliers  and  BWS  team  members   • Prepares,  schedules  and  supervises  completion  of  a  final  punch  list 1108 Dinneen Street Richmond, VA 23220 P: 804.204.1568 E: careers Voted Richmond’s favorite landscaping company / Richmond Magazine / 2014                          Landscape  Project  Manager  –  Job  Description       • • • • Promotes  job  site  safety,  encourages  safe  work  practices  and  rectifies  job  site   hazards  immediately   Ensures  all  company  team  members  and  contractors  are  adhering  to  the   company  safety  policy   Maintains  and  organizes  job  sites,  office  storage  facility,  and  equipment     Conducts  customer  survey  at  conclusion  of  project  with  objective  of   exceeding  customer  expectations  and  creating  referrals       Core  Competencies:     Leadership:     • Demonstrates  a  transparency  in  values,  beliefs  and  actions     • Creates  an  environment  that  is  friendly,  warm,  and  exciting   • Acts  with  integrity,  respect  and  professionalism     Communication:   • Provides  thorough,  timely,  and  effective  communication   • Builds  open  and

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