Web Editor Job Description

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How to create a Web Editor Job Description? Download this Web Editor Job Description template now!

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Business Entreprise HR RH work travail job description Description de l'emploi Will Volonté Experience Expérience Editor Job Description Description de l'emploi de l'éditeur

How to draft a Web Editor Job Description? Do you need a job description template? This job description template provides a guide for you to use. Download this Web Editor Job Description template now!

We support you and your company by providing this Web Editor Job Description template in order to simplify the process of developing a job description. It will save you and your Human Resources and your Recruitment department time, cost and efforts.

This Web Editor Job Description has ways to grab its reader’s attention. They are crafted by HR professionals, are intelligently structured and easy-to-navigate. Pay close attention to the most downloaded HR templates that fit your needs.   

Download this Web Editor Job Description template now and help you to reach the next level of success in your work and business!

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 Be responsible for the maintenance and development of the RCS website, including all microsites and digital platforms  To develop and maintain the Wordpress CMS  To keep up to date with digital technologies and use current trends to improve and develop RCS’s digital offering  Ensure all online content is current, up to date and engaging for appropriate audiences  Liaise with staff from across RCS to develop and create new, engaging web content  Work with external web developers and designers to improve the RCS website and any other digital channels where possible  Be responsible for ensuring the RCS website and online platforms (including Box Office) are optimised for web/mobile and perform well in search engine rankings  Plan, deliver, monitor and report on digital advertising campaigns, including PPC campaigns 3  Work closely with the Digital Officer and colleagues in the External Relations department to promote RCS across all of its outputs  Actively engage and link with external websites to promote and raise awareness of RCS  Be responsible for ensuring the RCS website is user friendly, accessible and follows W3C codes of practice  Participate in the Conservatoires Goals Setting and Career Review process  To assist with any other duties as required by the Deputy Marketing and Communications Manager General Responsibilities (all staff) a) Health and Safety  To take care of your own health and safety at work and that of other persons who may be affected by your work activities..

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